Kill Dimmu Borgir


Destroy your TV
Mar 13, 2002
Rochester, NY
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You know, I introduced a friend to cradle of filth a long time ago when I listened to them alot. He picked up on it really fast and soon had nearly every album. Thats nuts. I had only their best two works, and still i can no longer stomach that friggin screeching Dani boy. Now ive gone my own way, and hes remained stagnant, with cof. So he comes over not so long ago and sees a copy of Morbid Angels' "blessed are the sick" and smircks with something along the lines of "what the hell, 'wannabe angel' ". I was stunned, and forgot that he knows very little of legendary acts like them, celtic frost, etc... So I go over to his house, open up his play list, and what do I see? Cof and DIMMU BORGIR. He also continued to say that darkthrone sucks. I think its too late to save him now. Actually, I just want to know if any of you have any standpoints with these bands, because if you do, you would find this funny.
It might actually just be a case of him having not discovered the other stuff yet. Hell, I'd never even heard of black metal before my first COF album (POEMF), and I worshiped them for years. I don't like them much anymore (apart from the first album), but they were a gateway to Satyricon, then Emperor, and then the entire Black Metal scene, which I now love in all it's diversity. There is room for the COF's and Dimmu's (who don't blow me away but have many good songs) of this world, and just because you happen to not like them, well, that's more your loss than theirs. Educate your friend, he will thank you for it later (hey, we all had to start somewhere)

[edit]oh yeah, I don't like Dark Throne either. Acknowledging (sp?) the importance of a band and actually likeing their music are 2 totally different things......
I have to disagree with Dimmu Borgir live, they used to be good, but last two times I saw them (with the bald guitarist bloke) they just went through the motions and were boring boring boring. Last album was very cool, but I've seen dead goths more animated than that lot on stage.

As far as laughing at morbid angel goes, well, the kid deserves slow painfull death. Something with skinning and salt preferably...
I like CoF, I love Dani's screamings and I like Dimmu Borgir.. and I don't like pure black metal.. what's so wrong about it? I don't think I need a "saviour" :)
I personally love Dimmu Borgir and to a lesser extent, Cradle of Filth. The last Dimmu Borgir album is genuinly astounding, all hype aside.

Obviously the guy who made the Morbid Angel joke is pretty misinformed. He was just showing his own lack of knowledge as far as music is concerned.

I wouldn't deride him for his taste in music- but rather his ignorance of other styles and bands.
I like older Cradle of Filth. Cruelty and the Beast is a great album. Despite what everyone says about him, Dani does write some amazing lyrics, and I like his vocal style most of the time. I also like Dimmu quite a bit. The new one rules. I saw them live a few months ago in a really shitty venue and they still kicked ass. Oh yeah, Cradle of Filth kicked ass when I saw them live too.
Originally posted by Alucard
I like older Cradle of Filth. Cruelty and the Beast is a great album. Despite what everyone says about him, Dani does write some amazing lyrics, and I like his vocal style most of the time. I also like Dimmu quite a bit. The new one rules. I saw them live a few months ago in a really shitty venue and they still kicked ass. Oh yeah, Cradle of Filth kicked ass when I saw them live too.

yeah, dani is one of the best lyricists ive seen in my life. the only thing i dont like baout the cruelty and the beast -as yu may very well guess- is the production: the mixing of the drums actually.
'Blessed are the sick' is not to be scoffed at by anyone. And you didn't specify which dimmu albums he had. I have Stormblast and Enthrone Darkness and like them both, but have not liked other stuff by them, and I haven't really fallen in love with anything by CoF.

Btw, I like your sig, I recorgnized it right away. It's the first paragraph of "Call of Cthulu". I love that story, Lovecraft was a twisted fuck for sure.

If, like you said, he knows very little of the legendary Morbid Angel, maybe you should be the one to clue him in.

I guess I sorta like CoF and Dimmu Borgir, as their music is crushing, especially their newer albums (partially due to very slick and powerful production). I've never been the biggest BM fan (I mean I have a bunch of CDs, but I've never really listened to it religiously), but I do really enjoy some bands (like Emperor, Immortal, Samael, and Enslaved).
I understand his point, but that "'wannabe' angel" statement is just stupid. Personnally I like Dimmu very much and CoF somewhat, but neither MA nor Darkthrone are my cups of tea, but I honour their originality and devotedness to their music.