Last movie you saw and your verdict

absolutely, it's that well made. Even when you look at the opening shot of the cityscape theres no way you would ever say "ah yeah that looks like lots of cutouts with smoke behind it sat on a table" - you're looking at a real cityscape, there's nothing that tells your brain otherwise.

Apparently that opening scene is inspired by the all the industry which used to be here in Middlesbrough... Not 100% (but I'm sure I've heard that somewhere) and he's from my way, and I think he studied here in the Boro too.
I watched a film called JUSTICE with NICOLAS CAGE as a TEACHER who is married to BETTY DRAPER FROM MAD MEN and his best friend teacher at school is MICHAEL FROM LOST who is married to DEB MORGAN FROM DEXTER. GUY PEARCE shows up and then the SHIT STEP DAD FROM TERMINATOR 2 is a cop. Very odd to watch. rather crappy.

I was hoping for more of a wicker man performance from cage. "arrrrggghhhh bees, my eyes"
Ha! NOTHING beats Cage in The Wicker Man ... every time he strikes a woman in that movie I explode. STEP AWAY FROM THE BIKE. :lol: Pure comedy gold.

For those of you who haven't lived, I mean, seen the abomination/classic that is the 2006 remake of The Wicker Man,

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Okay, seriously now. This is the last serious movie I watched and I thought it was EXCELLENT. Possibly the best Nazi/WWII movie I've ever seen...


"During WWII SS officer Kurt Gerstein tries to inform Pope Pius XII about Jews being sent to concentration camps. Young Jesuit priest Riccardo Fontana gives him a hand."
Thor - The Dark World

I love Avengers, so I guess that probably is the fact that saved this movie. It wasn't bad but nothing too special either, potential was there but not quite reach it to fullest.

Goddam... When sitting in third row center, effects really came alive. Specially POV shots. And what's with Bullock, she didn't manage to annoy at all. See it, 3D if possible.
Mad Max - Beyond Thunderdome

Well well well... It's been long time since I last saw this turd and while time has soften my opinions abouth this a bit, it's still shit and by far weakest of three movies. That's Hollywood "magic" for you... Upcoming Fury Road doesn't bring any relief to ending this saga as timewise it fits somewhere between first and second movies, one can only hope that it's any good. Can't be worse than this, can it...?
Yesterday I saw...

The Conjuring - As far as a horror movie goes (which I never watch because I'm a big sissy) it wasn't bad; a technically good scary movie.
Kick Ass - Funny as hell. Hit Girl vs. Rasul. :lol:
Justice League: Doom - Eh. I wasn't a big fan of the superhero movies when I was a kid, so some of the stuff either bored me or confused me, but it was pretty cool to watch.
Worl War Z

I love fast zombies but this movie needs gore and loads of it, still not bad.


Boring sequel and waste of good actors.

Pacific Rim

On BD, obviously some of the wow factor is lost when viewed from telly but still good fun, of course this is rubbish with big budget but I like it.
Dredd - 8/10. A damn good movie. Interesting story, good acting, much better than the one with Stalone.

The World's End - 7/10, a little disappointed with this one, particularly the ending. Not as good as Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead.
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug

Yes, Evangeline Lilly, and then some dwarves... And damn cool dragon with Sherlock voice. I was looking forward to see this 3D HFR but wife managed to botch this plan so it was plain 2D, still quite nice visuals. And cliffhanger ending.


I really like Neill Blomkamp's style, very dirty and realistic looking tech (shiny things too) like in District 9. This could have easily been bit shorter though, still quite enjoyable.