Last movie you've watched

I saw Lust, Caution by Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain, Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon, The Wedding Banquet etc.) .... Excellent, Excellent, Excellent movie.... for people who are Ang Lee fans or foreign film fans.. this is a must see... and for the ones who are mindless or into asian women... there are alot of sex scenes.. probably the most provocative sex scenes Ive ever seen in a mainstream movie... but anyways that isn't important as how well the movie was shown/made and the story itself... you won't predict the ending.... it's set in Hong Kong and Shanghai during the late 30's and early 40's of the Japanese Occupation during WW2...
IRREVERSIBLE - Some french movie (quite violent and sick) that starts from the end and shows you the story that way. Its really good and I'd definately reccomend it, unless you're easily disturbed by sexual violence :/
Irreversible was probably the toughest movie I have ever had to watch. I actually had to take a small break after the "tunnel scene" to regroup. I don't flinch much at movies but that one has stuck with me since the day I saw it. A friend of mine wants to see it but I'm not sure I can go through that again. It is good, as it did what it set out to do but be warned, you'll never forget it. Do not watch it with a woman!!

On another note: 28 Weeks Later - Amped up gore and action make this a great sequel.
Requiem For A Dream - I don't see what all the hype was about. I didn't like this. Maybe it would have been different had I liked any of the characters to start with. I felt they got what they deserved. I certainly didn't see anything to warrant an NC-17 rating either.
Irreversible was probably the toughest movie I have ever had to watch. I actually had to take a small break after the "tunnel scene" to regroup. I don't flinch much at movies but that one has stuck with me since the day I saw it. A friend of mine wants to see it but I'm not sure I can go through that again. It is good, as it did what it set out to do but be warned, you'll never forget it. Do not watch it with a woman!!

Why not?

Ah yes, Irréversible. Everything you've described it as is true, and that's a scene everyone should see if you ask me. Awareness factor.
I barely got through it myself: it wasn't flinching as much as outrage and disgust, meaning it was successfully executed, and that applies to the movie as a whole. Beautiful film, though.
American Gangster - Pretty good movie
Godfather II - Classic
Matchpoint - Scarlett Johanssen is the hottest piece of ASS ever! This movie seems like a chick flick but it aint..its really fucked up.
Scarlett Johanssen is hot.. you should see her in the movie The Island... first time i saw her was in that movie... but anyways today i saw:

1. Thank you for Smoking
2. Babel

Both great movies though Babel leaves a few unanswered questions but from what I read that is intentional by the director...