Least Hated Band

Originally posted by Metal88

You're joking right? At least you inherited your mother's since of humor. ;)
Meaning you think they're good, or you don't know anyone who thinks they're good? I hope the latter, because I don't see a damn thing special about their music. But everyone in the mainstream loves them.
Beh, half of the kids that claim to like GD never even heard a song by them.

"W00 yeah! Greatful Dead rulez! Jerry Garcia man! Sm0ke dat weed!"

Beh...fucking idiots.
Does anyone really dislike The Doors?

I don't I've ever come across anyone, old or young, who said The Doors suck....
I know alot of people who don't like The Doors. These people however, are apparently dumbasses and their opinions don't count. :)
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
I can think of 100,000 centralized tr00 Norwegians, off the bat, whoepiss and shit on the floor shagrath walks on :lol:

That's why it was a joke dipshit. :spin:
I think the quest to find a band that no one dislikes is obviously going to be futile. As long as taste exists in humans and human like machines, there will always be some musician that isn't liked by everybody.

You can please some of the people some of the time etc...
Originally posted by requiem
Does anyone really dislike The Doors?

I don't I've ever come across anyone, old or young, who said The Doors suck....

Ah! This is a great one indeed. Perhaps Requim wins..... Chokingparasite's "a lot of people" is probably a couple dudes who live next to him. I've never met a single person in my area or on the internet who hates the doors.
Originally posted by Lina
Meaning you think they're good, or you don't know anyone who thinks they're good? I hope the latter, because I don't see a damn thing special about their music. But everyone in the mainstream loves them.

Closer to the latter. I know plenty who like them as well as plenty who hate them. Read the name of the thread to see why your response was so stupid. :tickled:
LEAST hated...

I am yet to hear someone criticize Joe Satriani...

The Doors is another, Zeppelin maybe not so much, personally, page can suck my balls, EXTREMELY sloppy guitarist, and yet is worshipped by millions of drooling ass-bandits who have only ever heard the cut radio version of Stairway to Geebon and nothing else...

Hmm.. Arch Enemy seem fairly respected all aroun,d but maybe that is simply because they haven't released much material...

Creedence Clearwater Revival... Good band, very little criticism, although there isn't really much discussion about them around here either... hmmm...

CYNIC, i am yet to hear criticizm, as even the people who don't like them seem to respect their talent...?? Yes, cynic is up there with the doors... maybe Death too...