Least Hated Band

I have given this much thought and I think I have found a answer. The one band I have never ever heard anyone say a bad word about is Boston. People always seem to perk up when "More Than A Feeling" comes on the radio. Not exactly the first band that would come to anyone's mind but that probably says a lot for the fact that they are rather un-hated.
Originally posted by Lina
Um...yeah? I said U2 is one of the least hated bands. I think we're having communication problems.

Yes sweetheart, I know what you meant by listing them in this thread. ;) BUT, huni, there are waaaaay too many people who call Bono "Boner" for them to be "least hated" Hehehe. A "catchy" band like U2 can't be "least hated" Unique quality's like Bono's voice get lots of people into the band, but also piss way too many other people off. It's gotta be some "cool" low-key band (like the Doors)
Originally posted by Analog_Kid
I have given this much thought and I think I have found a answer. The one band I have never ever heard anyone say a bad word about is Boston. People always seem to perk up when "More Than A Feeling" comes on the radio. Not exactly the first band that would come to anyone's mind but that probably says a lot for the fact that they are rather un-hated.

Ah, Boston is a good one. Personally I can name one or two people who particularly dis-like them (though not hate) and I know zero for the Doors so I'll stick with Requiem. But this is just my experience, very possible others will favor Boston. I think we should start a poll for this, The Doors, Boston, Zepplin, and Hendrix all make the list so far. Who else can we add? How about this "Slim Shady" guy??? Hehehe

Hey, Wisdom Pearl, you a Barrett fan, or more of the early stuff by Floyd when it wasn't so Waters-controlled?

I'm not really a big fan, but I enjoy them a lot. I have 4 albums by Floyd (I need to get more!). I'll probably like the Waters controlled stuff anyway... ;) "Animals" will probably be my next album to get by Floyd.
Pink Floyd overrated my ass, possibly my favourite band. I've never met anyone who doesn't like them my entire life, I think they are the least hated popular band in history. Not to say someone out there doesn't hate them, just when you think about how many fans they have they could be the least hated.

Also, no one hates old Metallica, of course I'm not talking about the new stuff, people hate that, Metallica just seems like 2 different bands, old and new. No one hates the old stuff (e.g ...And Justice For All and before that)
I´m not Barrett fan, so the second option. I think that it was a waste of an excellent band that Waters controlled them. More together they could have made such great stuff. Still, I´m no expert and my opinion is based on only a few records.
Originally posted by Windom Pearl
I´m not Barrett fan, so the second option. I think that it was a waste of an excellent band that Waters controlled them. More together they could have made such great stuff. Still, I´m no expert and my opinion is based on only a few records.

Ah, I was just curious. I know there are Barrett fans who are very critical of everything past "Piper At The Gates Of Dawn." To me, Waters was the most crucial member of the band.
Originally posted by Trapped
LEAST hated...

I am yet to hear someone criticize Joe Satriani...

CYNIC, i am yet to hear criticizm, as even the people who don't like them seem to respect their talent...?? Yes, cynic is up there with the doors... maybe Death too...

Lot's of people hate Satriani.. thinks it's boring

I wanted to go with Death/Cynic/Atheist..

I know for a fact that Atheist used to be hated in the early 90's
because they played weird music... now they are respected a hell
of a lot more.

Cynic - ppl complain about the 'robotc' vox. But I don't think many
HATE them, no.

Death - since thet've developed a lot since the start, many metal
heads usually find some album(s) cool... but non-metal heads tell
me the usual stuff... they hate the vox....
But they can just fuck off because Death is the best metal band
ever... was :cry: ... but the albums still stand rock solid.
Yeah, post-Waters Floyd has not been that good... it's unfortunate one of the PF albums I have is "A Momentary Lapse Of Reason." It's, well, bad, for a supposed Pink Floyd album... ;)

On sort of a whim, I bought Miles Davis's "Kind Of Blue" after enjoying "So What" (I had downloaded it). I'm enjoying it very much. Progressive jazz is pretty wild. I'm going to have to look into it a lot further. :grin: So, it's likely I'll buy more CDs by Miles Davis... I'm thinking "Bitches Brew" might be the next one I get, although I haven't heard anything off of it. :lol:

5 LPs? I bet that is highly enjoyable. :)