Let me brake the things I love, I need to cry.


Chemical Pariah
Aug 30, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
What is the use with feelings?
You find someone you really love, but she doesn't want you.
What then? You go through every inch of the feeling and the relationship 'tween you and try to find a little glimpse of hope so you can hold on to her. But after some days you see that you're only fooling yourself and realise that the only way is to break up totally for a while. Then you can't sleep at all, you cry for hours and hours and can't controll your body that is shivering to the extend that you think your bones will brake. And no matter waht you know that you will come over it, and once again be alone. You start to think about your life, should you move to another town? should you build up these walls around you? should you paint the walls of your room with your guts? or should you just leave it be?

What shall I do? I'm tired of always getting stabed in the back, I'm tired of always needing someone. And I'm tired of love, when I finally love someone then they don't want you. And all you hear is: "Don't worry, your time will come"... But I can't wait, I'm exploding soon. Adn everyone around tells me it's all ok. And what hurts most is that I don't want to loose her, I want it to be her and I. And now I'm afraid of sleeping, eating and mostly. The comming concerts and festivals that we both are going to. I can't bare to see her lovely face again, all I can think of is how I want to caress her soul with mine.

I'm tired, so tired.
Since you've said so many have already said it's OK, I won't bore you with pats on the back or condolences.

My thoughts on love:

If it is not returned, then it never existed. Love is an over-used term. For the type of love you are wanting is one that requires a two-way connection - it must come back to you equally. I love a lot of things, but I LOVE my wife (yes, I am one of those lucky ones). I have been happily married for 20+ years. I knew the moment I met her - can't explain it, but I knew. Love can never be a one-way street, so if she isn't returning the feelings you have for her equally, then it never really was what you thought it was.

Being human sucks - you battle your self as much, if not more, than outside forces.
I know the feeling, too well maybe . But I can say that you get over it, maybe some people do, but I know im still not over a girl that I went out with a while ago, everytime I see her I just want to blow my brains out , but I know that suicide is for people that can't deal with anything and for the weak. But eventually you learn to justify everything and you begin to (eventually) turn the other way and realize that if you had of done anything(suicide) than it would of been stupid .

My words are "Time is the best healer , unless you have cancer "
metalmancpa - yeah. I agree. but it's hard for the ego to realise it. I mean. It feels wrong for her, but it feels so incredible right for me.

And btw. Time has never let me heal anything, it has just learnt me how to live with it.
dood, this is something that unfortunately youll have to go through.It happens sometimes, it happened to me a while ago.
I know how lost you feel.
Thats one of the risks you take when you give everything for someone.I really dont know what to tell you.
I believe however that learning to live with it is no less important than to heal.
Listen to opeth, allow some time in your life to pass and things WILL be better again.
Get over it. You do realise that you are adding to these threads that aren't in the right place... right?? Yeah. That's right.

You are keeping them at the top of the pile. And NO, they aren't going to get moved, so quit your whining... you whiner.
Trust me Oyo, you don't mean that.

*shakes head*.

Love is not your friend... Love is never a friend.
hah, i have the same problem as you. but this is just lust, not love. everything physical about this world block away my sesire. need to close the desire of flesh. long lasting love is hard becuz i find the only way to archive it is through "pain" and patience, it's never 100% happy right away. and what about wanting another person with a whole different interest in life, pop vs metal, etc. different social classes, culture, friends, etc. i haven't a clue how to solve that. but a good cd to listen would be Depeche Mode - Exciter. thanks for reading. goodnight
well metalmancpa, you had a lot of experience. maybe you should have something to help me about how to appraoch someone with a whole different life interest.
(i know, this post is pretty pointless)


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This is how I see it (IMO)

Be yourself - don't worry about "breaking the ice": that will make you change a bit, and not be your true self. Be honest - and use time to your advantage: be patient. If the connection happens, the ice will just melt. And don't go into anything with great expectations - you're only setting yourself up for a letdown.
Originally posted by DracWell
What is the use with feelings?
You find someone you really love, but she doesn't want you.
What then? You go through every inch of the feeling and the relationship 'tween you and try to find a little glimpse of hope so you can hold on to her. But after some days you see that you're only fooling yourself and realise that the only way is to break up totally for a while. Then you can't sleep at all, you cry for hours and hours and can't controll your body that is shivering to the extend that you think your bones will brake. And no matter waht you know that you will come over it, and once again be alone. You start to think about your life, should you move to another town? should you build up these walls around you? should you paint the walls of your room with your guts? or should you just leave it be?

What shall I do? I'm tired of always getting stabed in the back, I'm tired of always needing someone. And I'm tired of love, when I finally love someone then they don't want you. And all you hear is: "Don't worry, your time will come"... But I can't wait, I'm exploding soon. Adn everyone around tells me it's all ok. And what hurts most is that I don't want to loose her, I want it to be her and I. And now I'm afraid of sleeping, eating and mostly. The comming concerts and festivals that we both are going to. I can't bare to see her lovely face again, all I can think of is how I want to caress her soul with mine.

I'm tired, so tired.

Hey cool, i had that happen once. You'll be fine. But it will suck for a LONG time :) Now i can EVEN look at her and say hi without feeling the need to cry or be sad! hoo hah! only took me 3 years!!! She's getting married soon even.
This is the 2nd time =/ It seems like I'm suppose to learn something, but I don't know what.

Oyo... damn. That's something I think on alot. And honestly, if haven't loved and lost just think on how many GOOD tunes that wouldn't exist. I try to embrace all feelings, no matter how hard it is, they are my insperation in music...

And to someone above, I don't care if she would take a bath in acid or so... it's her soul/mind I love... the fact that she just looks okay is a plus.