Lets have a pics thread :)

Doing Beer Math in a store is always fun.

"Okay.... We can get..... either a 6 pack of Bud Light..... or (15) 24 packs of Old Milwaukee"
You guys don't know shitty beer. In college, all we could afford was Stag. THAT, my friends, is shitty beer. :D
American and PBR are just as bad. :lol: And you know what I realized this weekend? I HATE Rolling Rock. Although, in this picture, I seem to have had enough of them to start enjoying it. I sure am good at focusing on stuff when I'm drunk.

Mmm, pizza up the nose.
American and PBR are just as bad. :lol:

I've never had American, but we used to love when we could step up from Stag to PBR. :lol: Actually, probably the worst goat piss I've ever had was some black label garbage someone bought from a gas station and brought to a party once. :puke:

Though I'm not a connoisseur of beers, I do like Dos Equis and Sam Adams brews. Usually I only have a beer when it's uber hot out and I've just finished mowing the yard. Otherwise, I'm a Diet Dr. Pepper man. :kickass:
Arrogant Bastard FTW. And tomorrow I will post my win for yesterday: Double Bastard!!! It's all about the Stone for me. And Avery in second place...

Arrogant Bastard is some strong shit. I love strong, high % beer tho. This is my fav, and how could they not be? Look at how fucking metal the labels are:


The Maudite is 8% and the Trois Pistoles is 9% :headbang:

When I can't find that stuff, I usually go for Sam Adams. I particularly like the cherry wheat or the seasonal brews.

Also, micro brews FTW. I used to have one locally where I lived in Long Island called Southampton Publick House. They have a German alt bier that was just as good as anything I had in Germany, and their Double Wheat apparently won best wheat beer in the world. I tried it once, and i have to say it was quite good. Would like to do a side to side with something Im more familiar with like a Paulaner or Franziskaner. I need to see if theres any liquor stores in NJ that carry that shit...
I have cheap, shit beer because it's cheap and we were getting drunk. Now, if it was to kick back and enjoy a brew, i would hardly be reaching for the PBR :lol:
Exactly. If I'm going to party, I'm not going to be buying expensive, high quality beer, just to chug down like an idiot. I'm going to buy something cheap that I can fit a lot of in my stomach. If I'm going to enjoy a beer for the taste, then I'm going to drink something good.

How come there's so many beer snobs in this world who don't understand that?
Exactly. If I'm going to party, I'm not going to be buying expensive, high quality beer, just to chug down like an idiot. I'm going to buy something cheap that I can fit a lot of in my stomach. If I'm going to enjoy a beer for the taste, then I'm going to drink something good.

How come there's so many beer snobs in this world who don't understand that?

Cause if we're going to drink to get drunk we're smart and realize the best route to go for that is hard liquor, not beer :p