Lets have a pics thread :)

It's not about that situation though. Poms are fucking yap dogs... lil' bastards. I love dogs, but i always just want to punt the little yappy ones over the neighbors fence or something. *shakes head*

Not all of them! I've noticed that little dogs are usually yap dogs because they're spoiled & fed too much, so they're just like prissy little fat things who sit there and complain (bark) all day. If you raise a dog correctly, no matter what breed, (just like if you raise a human correctly) will be wonderful. :Spam:
Im not big with dogs, but only 'cause i dont know anyone with dogs. My keyboard player's dog is the best, but mostly because I don't know too many dogs.
I would never personally own a little dog, but I do think they get a bad rap because of all the yuppie idiots who put them in purses and spend thousands and thousands of dollars pampering the damn things. There are a few high-end "boutique" style dog stores by me, and some of the shit they have is just unreal.
No, you wanna hear the worst? The other day, on the way to BB King's, I actually saw a billboard in Times Square for a name brand desiggner perfume for Dogs. I knwo that dogs smell kinda funky and all, but that's part of what makes a dog a dog.
Not all of them! I've noticed that little dogs are usually yap dogs because they're spoiled & fed too much, so they're just like prissy little fat things who sit there and complain (bark) all day. If you raise a dog correctly, no matter what breed, (just like if you raise a human correctly) will be wonderful. :Spam:

Not all of them, no, but the exception (yappy dogs that don't yap) is so few and far between that it's not really worth mentioning. Also, i'm biased because an ex of mine had a yorkie that i just wanted to punt. Fuck that dog.
No, you wanna hear the worst? The other day, on the way to BB King's, I actually saw a billboard in Times Square for a name brand desiggner perfume for Dogs. I knwo that dogs smell kinda funky and all, but that's part of what makes a dog a dog.

What!? That's disgusting!! :puke: And there's no way it makes the dog smell better.. if anything, I'd assume that the perfume just mixes with the dog's natural smell and makes it into some disgusting unnatural concoction of fragrances. Also.. it can't be too healthy for the dog!
Yeah, and trust me. It really doesn't smell that good. In the lab they made me strip down nekkid and I was... wait what was I talking abotu again?
Yeah, and trust me. It really doesn't smell that good. In the lab they made me strip down nekkid and I was... wait what was I talking abotu again?

Never heard of a Maremma, I was going to guess G. Pyrenees or what is it, Kuvak or something.

I/we have four Malamutes, used to be five but I lost my best friend = the oldest and my lead dog summer before last to lymphnosarcomma or however its spelled. We were a sled dog team, as well as companions/part time house dogs. Had lots of fun, now we're in semi retirement as the two youngest are 10, one headed for 14 and one somewhere between 10 & 14. He came from a rescue shelter for Malamutes so we have no idea how old he is, two were returned to their breeders because the people couldnt handle the one female and the male that died was demanded to be returned because the guy moved to an apartment in Manhattan and thats no place for a Malamute. The two youngest were picked and bought as puppys. One from PA and one flown all the way to JFK from Simi Valley. We had so much fun doing winter adventures.

Thing with dogs is - to me - they are a commitment not something you do for awhile and then dump. They live 10 - 14 years or more for the small breeds. Too many people get dogs and abandon them in the middle of their lifes, pawning them off somewhere and breaking their hearts or neglect to take proper care of them or let them go play in traffic, ect. ect. ect.

I've had a few cats, we have one now, her and I have a "relationship" we fight every night while I sit here at the keyboard. I slap and tug her around and she scratches and bites me, if I ignore her she jumps up and bites me, I have no idea whats wrong with her, maybe a sado masicist dominatrix ? Problem is cats and Malamutes dont mix well and you have to keep them from turning the cat into a chew toy. Their OK if they are raised with other animals but if they are not its trouble and that is the case with this cat, shes a newcomer and it would not be pretty.

This is my second "pack" of Malamutes, my first one was from around '78 to '92. We are not going to do it again, its a part time job and pretty much straps you to home. Many of my best memories have been with my dogs.
Thing with dogs is - to me - they are a commitment not something you do for awhile and then dump. They live 10 - 14 years or more for the small breeds. Too many people get dogs and abandon them in the middle of their lifes, pawning them off somewhere and breaking their hearts or neglect to take proper care of them or let them go play in traffic, ect. ect. ect.

Agreed. But where do you live that you can actually have a sled dog team?
Mid state NY, in the country, near alot of stateland so it worked out smoothly. It was something my daughter and I did together while she was growing up. Lots of work, lots of fun, good times
lol, all this time I've been hanging out near you and not knowing? SYR :p

Whats that ? Syracuse (?sp) ? Me near Albany, not technically "midstate" I guess but thats what I call it, midstate on the east side I suppose.

Horus, it is a peace most will never know, silent sliding, but at the same time its alot of work and there are also a few horror stories. Like loose dog chasing deer off 30 ft cliff, he lived, deer didnt, the vets fixed him, he is still a "big dope" but his one front leg will always be tempermental. My buddy down in Jersey spent a fortune on racing bloodlines from Susan Butcher in Alaska, he was training them and just got done hooking up the last of an 8 dog team when they busted the tag line he had hooked to his truck and took off with empty sled.... down the road, turned onto the main road and were struck by a car, all killed. Was a very sad time for his family, I was surprised but they rebuilt and carried on, maybe that was the best way of healing.

Whats a good picture hosting site? I have hundreds of dogs pictures.