Lets have a pics thread :)

Oh yea... and origionally this years plans for the SX show was to go to that one down at BB Kings with my friend that is no longer with us. Then they added the "Northern Lights" show I found on the SX website and plans changed, next thing I knew Todd was gone, so myself and another guitar player we once played with decided to go anyhow and call it the Todd Duke memorial Symphony X concert.... we had a killer time... but not a single picture.
Ok so I just put a few photos on imageshack and tried to link them, didnt work, please help for I am computer stupid. I used the insert image but .......

At one point in my life.. I enjoyed fondling boa constrictors on my coach, and being cute ^.^
Bubba Jean Hobbs (Bubbs, the one that moved on in 06)

Lucan Butler (Luc, the cliff jumper)

My daughter & I about 4 years ago, not many pictures the past 3 years
their all magnificant animals, but yea, what you see in those eyes is a keeness unmatched by many.

Kayla & Bubbs

Kayla & Laval, Laval was picked from a litter in Simi Valley California, she was from the same blood lines as a few of my origional Mals I had back in the late 70's & 80's, thats why California, flown to JFK where we picked her up, she is the epitimy of alfa "bitches", tells everyone what to do(growls) and bites them when they dont listen. Her and Bubbs were the alfa pair and Luc was Lancelot the mighty warrior and territory protector, the three were kenneled together with no problems.

the team, this is probably '97/'98, Kayla and us were out having some fresh snow fun, taking turns breaking trail in snow shoes. She liked snowshoeing, lots of hard work. Bubbs was a single leader, which is rare, none of the others could lead, he could go out in front by himself and keep a pace. Also gee/haw (right/left) on voice commands, I could bushwack with him through brush, no trail, just on voice.... though we had plenty of "arguements" :lol:

Me and "Babs" a few years back..... yes she is making fun of my recently aquired....... belly
Here is my two dogs during an epic battle...there are a series of shots but this one is probably the best.

yea, those are cool, we had lots of fun watching our dogs play, posture and interact when they were younger. Then they reached an age where position needed to be determined and I had to be carefull who was around who. The girls were the biggest problem this time around and we "have to keep them separated". I've had to get in the middle of real epic battles and it is a horror story. I've taken two full teeth to the hands at full force between these two girls we have now. Way back with the first pack we had I took a full shot to the upper arm trying to break up two full grown 2 year old males that were fighting for dominance. Let me tell ya it was two days before I had full movement of my arm again. Fortunantly he let go as soon as he knew it was me he had not the other dog. Malamutes are very "heavy metal"

love that big white dog... BTW
as much as I'm a cat person...my grandparents had a Siberian Husky when I was growing up (died when it was 11...I was 8 or 9 I think). His name was Demon and he was the best dog I've ever had/been around. He was very protective....when I was a baby, I would be playing at the floor and he wouldn't let anyone (other than my parents and grandparents) come within 10 feet of me unless he got a good sniff and approved of the individual. He knocked my uncle flat on his ass one time for trying to bypass the "security-check"
the northern breeds have their difficulties and this running is one of them, they are nomadic by nature and fear nothing, two of ours can never be loose, they run as fast as they can away from us and dont respond to calling or anything, they intentionally ignore us. Going after them only pushes them out further, very frustrating, we have to just wait for them to come back then lure them in the house. The other three I could take for walks in the woods, loose, together and keep them with me but it takes constant attention, they want to cover ground at a faster pace than humans do and live by the law that if you didnt see them do it.... it didnt happen....... lol

I've had two Sib's over the years, one of which was the type of dog that could not be loose, he was also adapted, the adopted dogs are tuffer to control than those raised as pups.... still, they require constant supervision. Most people cant handle them and cant deal with their independent nature. It can be very trying at times, ultimately the best way to "walkin the dog" with these breeds is attached to a sled or cart.... lol