Lets have a pics thread :)

SilentRealm said:
they do seem quite close..

One of my fondest memories of Matt was at this party in the Hampton Bays on Long Island. Matt was running circles in the snow in this chick's front yard yelling Rage lyrics. "Hiiiiiiiiigher than the sky we're... Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiigher than the sky, sky, sky!"
DoomsdayZach said:
And was he sober?

Haha, of course not. We were surrounded by a bunch of "goth" kids, whose idea of 'Xtreme mettul' was Static X. Matt and I were drunk, and running around in the snow. I wish I could've gotten a picture of their front lawn, which had "R A G E" written in snow.

I think it was because of this night, that I recently built up the courage to jokingly ask a gorgeous woman if I could be her ob gyn, to which she replied positively. A good laugh was had by her (and me).
Noah Martin said:
One of my fondest memories of Matt was at this party in the Hampton Bays on Long Island. Matt was running circles in the snow in this chick's front yard yelling Rage lyrics. "Hiiiiiiiiigher than the sky we're... Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiigher than the sky, sky, sky!"

That was in Montauk, not Hampton Bays ;)
SilentRealm said:

I suppose I just have a way with words. 'Twas all in good fun. It made for a humorous conversation. I mean, what would you say if you're not easily offended by weird/gross humor, and a guy like myself, knowing this, flirted with you by asking you if he could be your gynecologist? She understood right away that I wasn't being deathly serious, which was good.

This is kind of a peculiar thing to be discu... nevermind. I'm sure there are odder things one might discuss on these boards.
Just remember, for every hot patient an OB/Gyn has, he/she probably has to put up with a LOT of other nastiness from young & old alike. It's like being a proctologist, who the hell ever decides on that specialty when they go to medical school?

With my box of rubber gloves & a smile,
I remain,

J-Dubya 777 said:
Just remember, for every hot patient an OB/Gyn has, he/she probably has to put up with a LOT of other nastiness from young & old alike. It's like being a proctologist, who the hell ever decides on that specialty when they go to medical school?

With my box of rubber gloves & a smile,
I remain,


the world needs people who are willing to keep asses healthy.
And here's the best pic from my show last night.

I am dead fuckin' sexy.



In the old city of Dubrovnik



The guy from Ace of Base was the DJ at the bar/beach my friends and I went to, and like the loser stuck in 1994 that he is, he played three Ace of Base songs that night :lol: .



Two photos from the Fountain of Onofrio, built in 1438 by Onofrio de la Cava.


Bell tower


Pile Gate, the main entrance to the Old City.


At the walls of Dubrovnik



Port of Dublin


Port of Dublin again.


Guinness brewery, :kickass: for those of you people who like it.


O'Connell monument


James Joyce is so sexy omgz lol


St. Patrick's Cathedral


I guess this is the only PG-rated pic I have to share, but it was something like National STD Awareness Week in Dublin when I went and a bunch of other guys dressed up like this one were "picketing" and giving out free condoms. :lol:


Trinity College


Molly Malone


Oscar Wilde, yum


World's tallest sculpture, just a spike in the middle of the sidewalk. My friend and I asked someone for directions and they said "oh, just make a left, keep going, and then make a right at the spike." :confused: Was this some Irish term we were unaware of? Was the guy giving bogus directions to fuck around with the idiot tourists? No! There really was a spike! Not to be confused with the Washington Monument, as that is the world's tallest obelisk.


And of course, New York <3