lets see some pics of everyones set up..


Permission to drool??

(cheeky +1 to the mic positioning comment)
Finally managed to get some updated pictures up on our site, so check it out if you want to see! We moved into this space almost two years ago after being in a shoddy basement for about 10 years, and we're constantly working on making the place better and better!


nice setup u have there dude!

I'll say, goddamn - honestly, despite all the gear, I think my favorite pic is the one facing the couch, those corner-straddling walls/bass traps (whatever you wanna call 'em) with the wood paneling are absolutely gorgeous, as is the lighting! :notworthy
I'll say, goddamn - honestly, despite all the gear, I think my favorite pic is the one facing the couch, those corner-straddling walls/bass traps (whatever you wanna call 'em) with the wood paneling are absolutely gorgeous, as is the lighting! :notworthy

Cool to hear, cheers!! Those are Helmholtz resonators, and they were remarkably easy to build actually.

As for the lighting, it's actually even nicer now, hehe. If it wasn't for the fact that I have to move away a bunch of "junk" before taking pictures, I would have had new ones taken. ;)
I just snapped this last night since I got the room cleaned up.

Recent changes since my first pic:

1.) Sold the Firepods and got a Profire 2626 (this was in the spring of this year)
2.) Sold the Finalizer and picked up Ozone 4
3.) new desk and shelving and new desk placement within the room
4.) upgraded my OS to Windows 7
5.) Upgraded my ancient Nuendo 2 to Cubase 5
6.) Purchased SSD 3.5 EX with 2 exp. packs
7.) New 23" Samsung monitor
8.) Infinity subwoofer

Here it is, nothing special, and pretty much all ITB. The new desk and monitor placement gets me out of a room node, so I can actually hear bass now!

I just snapped this last night since I got the room cleaned up.

Line 6 Pod question

My mate recorded some guitar tracks with this, then a few tracks with his newly aquired Line6/Bogner Tube Head

have you noticed any frequency loss with the pod?? i couldnt help hearing the pod cut the top frequencies out completely... is this common or is it a setting he needs to change??
Lenrd's, yes. The lighting is the typical low voltage wire lighting. Suspend the 2 wires across the room and the lights just fasten on.

As for the POD, it's just for demo purposes. I'm probably the bigeest POD hater that still owns a POD. I don't think I could ever bring myself to use it for more than jotting down ideas.