Melancholia said:
Ingy & Alfred: Btw,sth relevant! I've seen some sites selling e-books.....but hmmmmm have you bought these books?? and if so how much do they cost??? errrrr,those txts don't seem the stuff a company could sell

soooo,is it like some mp3s??
*Ah-hem*... Er... *cough*... but why should we really spend all this time to investigate on such not-really-relevant and very small details? *cough*
|ngenius said:
On the other hand, books are cheap when comparing with DVD's or music, so I fail to see any advantage in downloading books from the net.
Well, actually the main advantages, at least for me, are,
a) that no english significant books can be found here, if not waiting for a lot of months, so that the few bookshops who can order them make them arrive here (I don't have a credit card, so no Amazon unless I shamefully use some friend of mine, which I feel very uneasy in doing

) and spending an awful amount of money, mostly in not-advantaging-the-author abroad-shipping expenses, while this... *cough*... not very fair way of acting allows me to read almost anything I can dream of in english in about 10 minutes from the moment I have the idea to the moment i have the ebook in my hand. As soon as some family member will go to england, though, I'll ask them to buy a ton of books I've e-read and loved

b) that I can read while doing other stuff at the pc, and that reading gets far more easily inserted in my everyday pc activities that it'd be having a physical book in my hand to take, then leave to type, then take again, then leave again... it's really
very useful, I assure you...
c) I have, I admit it, an almost feticist care of my books, and I really hate when one of them gets ruined in any part (I'm probably the only person in the world whose copy of "It" still has an almost perfect border after three readings, because I read it in a really absurd way, opening the pages till about half of them, and losing probably a lot of sight on it), and having books in a form I can del with freely, and with no fear to damage their physical support, really makes me enjoy the reading, and re-reading, and re-reading, a lot
FatherVic said:
for the sacred lost raccoon!!!!! welcome!!!! I know you can't stay because otherwise you wouldn't be Alfred, but I'm very happy to see you drop by!
Arfgh.... er, thanks

It's nice to see you all again, too, though, as you said, I can never stay for long.
FatherVic said:
can I borrow "IT" for a while??? I will give it back when I finish

btw: how many pages is it? i mean, it?
About 1200... When do you want to start?
FatherVic said:
fv (18 hours...txt...alfred is insane)
Er... definitely
|ngenius said:
@Alfred: Yes, we know your personality refrains you from posting here regularly, but you also know that we actually appreciate your presence and contribution here, even from time to time. Enjoy!!!
Real thanks to you, too, |ng
@FV:I liked Feet of Clay a lot, actually, though less than Men at Arms. It has a very interesting and nice plot, or maybe it's just me who was stupid enough to not see through it immediately, who knows...

In any case,
sursum corda
Well.. what else can I say? Oh, yes, about the books that hit me lately... anyone knows and appreciates Peter Høeg? I've started reading stuff from him (in italian, of course, though I've never wished more than now to know Danish *sigh*) this spring, and after two books I'm really amazed: it's one of the best things I've read in these last 3 years...
Alfred (read-only mode)