Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

O rly? I went around in boxershorts only yesterday. What the hell is going on? It's supposed to be freezing in Norway.

Yeah, I was on a holiday to Oslo a couple of weeks ago... it was over 30degrees, unbearable. I think about 20C is perfect in the summer.
You ever fall asleep on a late afternoon, and wake up after dark, and you don't know what fucking day it is?
You ever fall asleep on a late afternoon, and wake up after dark, and you don't know what fucking day it is?

A few weeks back i had only worked/eaten/slept so when it was Friday i actually thought it was Wednesday so i got hugely confused :lol:

Also that AA artwork made my jaws drop!
Pffsss i drank enough beer yesterday to brave enough to climb up some rooftops. no problem but i slept 5 hours and today I mowed our lawn and was in the sun. it was so incredible hot...
So the new Amon Amarth album artwork kicks everything in the dick.


I agree with Joe on the AA live issue. The first time was amazing, the second, third and forth time bored the shit out of me. Imo, they have too much boring midtempo stuff for a live gig, that's why I left after the half of the 3rd and 4th gig.

But I don't listen to AA anymore, this may be a factor, too.
yeah, first I have to actually go there and see how I like it. Reading about something is completely different from actually experiencing it.

but what about you? Are you permanently coming to America for work? Or your just going to visit when you come?
Well I'll work in Disneyworld for around 6 months. It's just to go abroad cuz the job has nothing to do with my studies. It's a program where foreigners represent their country. I've already been in the US for 10 days. But when I'll be there I'll visit a bit more :)

Have you ever been in Europe?

EDIT : This program is one of the easiest way to work and live in the US for some times... cuz its too hard to get a visa for there :erk:
ohh I see. You're very lucky then! But I'm warning you that living in America proves to be more stressful than living in Europe. But there are certain advantages I guess.
And yeah, I've been to France...I think it was about 3 years ago. We stayed in Paris but we had a friend there that took us around the countryside as well. and we got to see the Palace of Versailles. It was really beautiful. But it was also a bit crowded (on the streets of Paris). I don't think I'd want to live there, but it's a nice place to visit.

p.s. what I really loved about Paris were all the Napoleon monuments! It was really awesome to see since he's one of my favorite figures in history :D
The thing is I will live in the Park, I'll share the appartment with foreigners employees etc... So I'll kinda live in a bubble, that's the negative point.

That's nice you went to France. yeah Paris is beautiful and very interesting, lots of old monuments and art. It's cool you went to see the Palais de Versailles ! I only went to the park cuz the day I went there the Palace was closed, lol. And even if Paris is interesting I'm also unable to live there :D
The thing is I will live in the Park, I'll share the appartment with foreigners employees etc... So I'll kinda live in a bubble, that's the negative point.

That's nice you went to France. yeah Paris is beautiful and very interesting, lots of old monuments and art. It's cool you went to see the Palais de Versailles ! I only went to the park cuz the day I went there the Palace was closed, lol. And even if Paris is interesting I'm also unable to live there :D
Even if you live in the park, you can go out when you're not working, so it's still a good deal. but why don't you like to live in Paris? where's your ideal place to live?

probably with Alexander the Great and Hitler ? :lol:

and you forget Mussolini :p
Of course I can move :D and I will !

Well I live in the south of the country where it's always sunny, I live in a small city by the sea. The life is really good here :). And I don't like Parisians... lol. I don't like the mentality etc... I would love to live in Munich !! or in a big city in nothern europe which I don't know much. Of course the weather would be a huge problem :cry: but it's really dynamic over there (well, it seems).