Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

you also get twice the pay, come here and work your ass off for 2 years, then go BACK

suddenly; money
I ran laps around my house and on the 2nd lap I could feel my ankle hurting and I took off my shoe and adjusted it but after 10 laps I went in the house pulled off my shoes and socks and saw I had blood on my socks and my shoes had cut open my ankle. How's that for Random? :p
Mystique, I'm thinking of moving out West where you live when I'm done with school but I fear it'll be very expensive for me to find a house for me to rent with no roommates.
Of course I can move :D and I will !

Well I live in the south of the country where it's always sunny, I live in a small city by the sea. The life is really good here :). And I don't like Parisians... lol. I don't like the mentality etc... I would love to live in Munich !! or in a big city in nothern europe which I don't know much. Of course the weather would be a huge problem :cry: but it's really dynamic over there (well, it seems).
haha yeah, if we're both used to warm weather, it might be hard for us to adjust to the cold climates of northern europe. but it's still probably worth the move.
I ran laps around my house and on the 2nd lap I could feel my ankle hurting and I took off my shoe and adjusted it but after 10 laps I went in the house pulled off my shoes and socks and saw I had blood on my socks and my shoes had cut open my ankle. How's that for Random? :p
Mystique, I'm thinking of moving out West where you live when I'm done with school but I fear it'll be very expensive for me to find a house for me to rent with no roommates.

Definitely. Especially if you're thinking about southern cali. But it's not only the houses, think of the gas prices as well. And if you wanna look for roommates, check out craig's list. you should definitely come here with a good amount of money though.
^Yeah, Washington and Oregon are options too, I'd like to live in or near a big city but it seems I can't get me a house to rent by myself for 600 $ or less there, I may have to live in rural areas then. In Tennessee the real estate is cheap, like my parents pay 500 $ a month for their house, but I don't want to live in Tennessee anymore. :p
Oh I live in Menton (06). A lot of old people and superficial chicks and guys... But it's calm and sunny.

The thing I don't like about Parisians is they are rude (when they're stressed), pretentious. It's sad because Paris is a great city...
But there're lots of advantages : big events, lots of shows, lots of places to go out etc...
Where were your from?
I spent 18 years in Fayence (83), 1 year in Juans-les-Pins (06) and 1 year in Marseille (13). I know Menton very well, I spent some time there with friends often.

Paris is not a great city. I thought it was before I moved into it. But I agree there are advantages : SUBWAY (when you don't own your driving licence in the South, you're dead), shows, cinemas, theaters, expositions, pubs.. Hopefully I'm gonna spend the whole August month home.
Ohh nice so you're also a southern boy :cool:. And you know Menton... I used to complain a lot because there's really nothing to do here but life is good. As you say, if you don't own a driving licence and a car, it's impossible to go out, to work (we often lost good opportunities) etc...

About Paris, I trust you if you say it's not that great. At one point, I think you don't care that you can do something different every day... That's why I'm more interested in other big cities in Europe. Because Paris is still France :lol: and our country isn't at its best right now :erk:

Do you stay there for a long time?

P.S: Is it that hard to get an appartment?
I was dating this girl but we broke up hahahaha, our relation was so short not even a month it last :laugh:
