Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

And she probably though she deserved to be treated better than that :lol: tsss, woman.

Yeah " she thought " that was the beggining of the end. They look better quiet and sit :kickass:

You're really a smart one, aye?:lol: Way to go to loose someone like that :p

Nah, I can get better girls by my own, I cheated on her with a super hot mami girl !!! ( with the blonde girl jhahahaha )

And I was wasting a lot of money with her !!!! :lol:, I couldn't save any money for myself !!!
Still it's fucking foul to cheat on anyone. You could've just called it quits?

I really never loved her or something, it was just a simple taste I had on her.

But the best thing had been to break up with her before of cheating on her, but man I couldn't resist, the flesh is weak and some opportunities never come back twice in life :lol:
I was dating this girl but we broke up hahahaha, our relation was so short not even a month it last :laugh:


You cheated on THAT!?

Man you suck :lol:
Ohh nice so you're also a southern boy :cool:. And you know Menton... I used to complain a lot because there's really nothing to do here but life is good. As you say, if you don't own a driving licence and a car, it's impossible to go out, to work (we often lost good opportunities) etc...

About Paris, I trust you if you say it's not that great. At one point, I think you don't care that you can do something different every day... That's why I'm more interested in other big cities in Europe. Because Paris is still France :lol: and our country isn't at its best right now :erk:

Do you stay there for a long time?

P.S: Is it that hard to get an appartment?
Well yeah, I know every place of the Cote d'Azur by heart now :lol: There's really nothing to do in the South, everything closes at 7PM, pubs suck a lot, metal bands are teenage ones, the closest McDonald's was 45mn driving from home :lol: But since I live in Paris, I can't spend a month without getting back home. I miss my beautiful landscapes, the beach, the forests, I think I'm gonna stay here a few years to study, and leave.
Getting an appartment isn't a problem, if you're rich. Badly located 20m² room = 600€/month minimum.

Yes, you can visit a different place every day, have activities, walks, but when you did it a week, you're bored. When you did the tourist thing, there's nothing to see if you don't "fall in love" with this city. I didn't. I like Paris in winter, but I run home on June. And YEAH, OUR COUNTRY ISN'T AT HIS BEST, AS IT HAS NEVER BEEN :lol::lol::lol:

How a country most be fucked for it's habitant to use numbers when talking of the cities they have lived in?
:lol: Actually there are departments numbers, like when you say Washington, DC. For Cannes, it would be Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes (06).
And how is it in your world? You should have a chat with your fairy about how our world is cruel and unfair.

Well do you see cheating as right then? I would never do it myself. The least you can do is call it quits when you really dont want to be together anymore. It's not about how unfair stuff is but it's about uneccesary things that could easily have been left undone easily.

Im sorry if this is too fucking "nice" or "un-macho" thinking but i just see cheating as a pretty disgusting thing. Especially if it's more than once or continous.

Just my 2 cents....
Aye I'd don't see the point in cheating... If I get with a girl it's because I want to have a proper relationship with that girl, I dont "do" one night stands. To put it kind of arrogantly: If a girl is good enough to meet my standards (which are stupidly high, and probably the reason I spend a lot of my time single) that I'd want a relationship with her, then I would not fucking cheat :lol:
All I hear is bullshits, and bullshits, and more bullshits. I've read things about "the importance of not hurting another beings", there were links about "compassion" and "the difficulties to live with remorses", that was interesting, kind of.

The way we take IS ALWAYS the less complicated, just saying this cause I can see what kind of answer I'll get.

Oh and inb4: Fetzer throw at us non sense bullshit.

I suggest you all just pass by and ignores me :lol:
Aye I'd don't see the point in cheating... If I get with a girl it's because I want to have a proper relationship with that girl, I dont "do" one night stands. To put it kind of arrogantly: If a girl is good enough to meet my standards (which are stupidly high, and probably the reason I spend a lot of my time single) that I'd want a relationship with her, then I would not fucking cheat :lol:

Agreed. I don't see the point in being with someone you will later cheat on. It just is unneccesary. Why even start a relationshpi with someone you don't like enough to not cheat?
And thats why im happy to live in the more sane part of the world called Europe.

I seriously dont get any of you, alexis, derek and fetzer.


edit: reminds me, its very typical sand my pals and any otehr my pals to go on about cheating being ok, as long as youre not married