Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Then don't complain that noone wants to communicate with you.


I've never complaint about that, actually. I've complaint about people who are complaining about me because they don't get what I'm saying. Calling a cat a cat is actually boring. Ok, so here a little text just for fun:

Most of the people don't get what I mean because I'm not clear enough in my statements, I think we can all agree on this. But why should I be clear? There's no "clear" thing in life, I say parts of my though and some general and ambiguous thing that express what I want to say.

It would be easier for people to "get something from me" (for not saying "learning from me", that would be too much pretentious) if the mind of the today's humanity wouldn't be so insecure. What I mean is that with all the past fucked shit that occurred in the past, Humans are now defensive, doubting everything, saying to themselves that "someone can be wrong" because, before, everybody was more or less believing anything.

This lead us to why people don't get what I say, cause it's so general they don't find any tangible thing to "get me wrong", reading me, seeing that it comes in interferences with what they are thinking, searching for a point, waiting for me to give them a MASSIVE argument that would change their life. But that's not how it should work. Having in mind that "he might be true" while reading me leads you in another set of thinking, making you searching what you want to get.

Saying to yourself "Ok. He said something that I don't think it's true. Why is he thinking that? What could be is motivation to think that way and why is he thinking this way instead of mine?" when being confronted to an adversed way of thinking can be really good, and that's how (kind of) my post should be read. But I don't really mind, actually, so yeah, you get what I say, you don't, all this won't interfere in my life.

And naaaaah, that's not true that "noone wants to communicate" with me ;).

So, to get back on the conversation (for those who had the courage (read: the boredom) to reach this point)

You people are too emotives. I'm not FOR or AGAINST cheating, even if I wouldn't do it. Why wouldn't I cheat on my "girlfriend"? My principale motivation would be:


Why? I wouldn't wan't to look like the kind of person who cheats his girlfriend. I wouldn't do it because of all the shit this can bring, too. Sure, I wouldn't want to hurt her, but why? Cause that would mean boring discussions, I would have to face other peoples boring morality, etc.

"Hurting an other beings" isn't bad but just too much complicated to treat in our kind of society. And, remorse isn't anything else than "facing the situation everytime you go outside, cause our society will make you feel "bad" about what you did", not because you think it is.

The way I choose to live, not cheating, is easier than cheating because of the explication I said. Choosing to live with "the way of the cheating" is easier for Alexis for exemple because he can deal with it and got less pride (or just a different one than me). That's why I said "Every way you choose is the easier". I though someone would say that it's cheap for someone to cheat, choosing the easier way because you don't have the strenght to live without cheating, but yeah, there's no easier or more complicated way.

Inb4: tl;dr.

That's why I always post just "part" of my though, it's always complicated to explain and too long, even in French, so imagine how it is for me to write it in english. And than you'll all come back with answers and arguments that I HAVE ALREADY THOUGH OF and that I DON'T CARE ABOUT, so there's no need for me to write such long texts everytime. But hey, I'm kind of making efforts :lol:
The following albums have leaked recently:
Motörhead - Motörizer
Dragonforce - Ultra Beatdown
Into Eternity - The Incurable Tragedy
Walls of Jericho - The American Dream
War of Ages - Arise & Conquer
All Shall Perish - Awaken the Dreamers
Siebenbürgen - Revelation VI
Omnium Gatherum - The Redshift
Iced Earth - The Crucible of Man - Something Wicked, Part 2
Soulfly - Conquer

This update is purely for those who have their heads under rocks. :lol:
ORGOROTH Frontman Had 'Close Relationship' With Norwegian Modeling Agent DAN DEVERO - July 24, 2008
"Yes, we had a close relationship," admits modeling agent Dan DeVero about shock rocker Gaahl to iBergen.no.

On stage with GORGOROTH, Gaahl is the very definition of a mother-in-law's nightmare.

The long-haired, evil-looking man with corpse paint scares the hell out of the parent generation, while fans all over the world love and admire his terrifying masculinity.

Together with modeling agent Dan DeVero (see photo below), however, he displays far more feminine sides.

The musician dressed in black and the fur-wearing modeling agent are behind the clothing collection Wynjo, which will launch in 2009.

The two men became very close friends after they met a year and a half ago.

"We had hired models from DXD Models for a music video to be recorded in Bergenshallen. During the shoot, Dan suddenly appeared and became upset with us because one of his models had been served wine. That was the first time I met him," says Gaahl, or Kristian Espedal, which is his real name.

DeVero's rage, however, quickly turned to warmer feelings.

"Kristian and I developed a close relationship, and he often told me he had strong feelings for me," DeVero tells iBergen.no while Espedal silently drinks from his glass of wine.

A year and a half later they are no longer swooning, but they are still partners. Thanks to their unlikely meeting in 2006, they've put their heads and wallets together to launch something as unique as as a wholly Norwegian clothing collection for women.

Wynjo is a name that Espedal came up with.

"Wynjo is an ancient Norse word meaning happiness, or to be more precise, the search for happiness. Perfection. I have always been preoccupied with aesthetics and what is beautiful. This collection will bring out the elegant and the feminine in women," the novice fashion investor explains to iBergen.no.

But this is in strong contrast to your role as frontman of GORGOROTH, so how did the people around you react to this?

"Those who know me in private didn't think it was particularly strange. I do not care about what people in general think. It's not as if I'm going to change as a person just because suddenly there are some dresses out in the world. Besides, I like confusing people," Espedal says, grinning.

The clothes are designed by Sonja Wu and will be presented at a preview in Bergen in September. Inspired by fashion mecca Paris, DeVero and Espedal now hope they can create a fashion house in Norway with several designers on the team.

"We want to attract young talent and give them an opportunity to design for us. Designer students are welcome, since it is the young who create fashion. There are way too few people in the Norwegian business world who dare take a chance on young entrepreneurs, and I am eternally grateful to Kristian for helping me with this," DeVero says.


tl;dr: gaahl is gay