Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

:lol: The Viridian Forest...

I had one of those original Gameboys. It had black and green colors. Me and a friend linked in Pokemon and I kicked his ass all the time with my Snorlax :lol:
Lies, it would have been either a slight shade of blue or red.
When I played Pokemon there wasn't even a colour gamerboy in existence. Those didn't come for like 2 years after the fact. It wasn't black and white but it didn't have colour, that's what a meant faggot :lol: They big grey brick gameboy ftw!

I had a big grey brick Gameboy.. Pokemon games didnt start being created until Red and Blue that was around the time of the Colour Gameboy.

The first generation of Pokemon games are Pokemon Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Each game was "black and white" but everything was a shade of either Red, Blue, Green or Yellow depending on which game you were playing. (Although actually I think yellow may have had multiple colours during the battle scenes)