Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Gah, soo much makeup on a girl is gross. I see it as trying to hide something rather than excentuate something. but that's just me. :p

Metal people are ugly in general.

Im not trying to hide anything,im just get used on it,of u know my mum you would understand me:lol:
sweet, me too.
Edit: postjumped.

Not implying you are, just saying I dislike it.
I hope you somehow continue to live knowing this.
I've asked several girls that same thing and they have done it, I'm expecting her to post them aswell because she's obviously not ashamed of herself.
cleary every one here is tr00 gr1m and fr0stb1tten.


I listen to paramore
mimi :dopey: :wave:

When you have so much mascara on that your eyelashes look like ONE eyelash, it's just too much honey.
erm... that just means you're using shitty mascara, spunkmuffin :loco:
Have no fucking idea about the leopard hair.
what kind of hairdresser are you!?

I use make up every day:foundation,presses powder,green concealer,black eye pencil, white eye pencil,eyeshadows, maskara,blush,iluminator,lip pencil,lipstick,lip balm,sometimes lipgloss,eyebrow eyeshadows.
When im going out even more and when im going to festivals i use waterproof make up.
doesn't that take you at least an hour? i'd take sleep over that anytime.

Post a picutre with make up and another one without it please :)
^few girls would do that
:err: + you're like 15, how bad can your face be? *we'll be gentle for youthpimples :eek:*
1.I need 10 min for everything,at summer 5 cause im not putting foundation and blush.
2.im not going to post any pics.Its normal for me to put all that make up,90% of girls here are doing it same way i do.
No, that doesn't make you a scene kid, cuz you don't have all the other stuff -.- Jeez. My MOM listens to Slipknot. I'm listening to various music as well.
And have I said that you have to fucking prove yourself? NO I haven't. AND I haven't tried to prove that I'm so god damn metal either :guh:
The thing was, this is the random shit thread, means I wanted to post that I'm sick of finding scene kids around every corner. I would've avoided trying to prove I'm not a scene kid, but when people post "Get the hint, you look like a scene kid" ... I for fuck sake want to prove I'm not.

Holy sh... Forget that I said anything :lol: This is redicilous.

I didn't say YOU specifically said that. Someone called you scene-kid and you got called out by it and started stating up facts that would prove you are not! Just be yourself, let others deal with it. If you are a scene-kid, why should others care? It's not their problem :) You see? YOu just seemed to get a bit "fuck you" over the fact. Just don't get called out what people say here...It leads nowhere! Believe me, I've tried :lol: If I was a scene kid, It wouldn't make me feel any different 'bout anything, would it?

cleary every one here is tr00 gr1m and fr0stb1tten.


I listen to paramore

Paramore is fucking awesome and Hayley Williams is hot!!!:kickass:

@Flo: Actually, I like both bands and I felt like saying it because trying to prove you are not a scene-kid or emofaggot just makes you look more like one!
Nope, If you would at all know the metal scene you would also know I've probably taken shit because I like them before :lol: There are ALOT scene kids listening to them and I'm fine with that...Doesn't change the fact I like their music! When I was younger I would totally get into the whole pressure about other peoples opinions but nowadays I just understand It doesn't matter and I just listen to what I want! (Luckily)