Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

^Oh wow, that's more icky than that Bear Grylls vid posted in the aforementioned thread. :erk: :lol:

Also, I'm pissed at my classmates. We have shitloads of snow, schools have been closed for 2 days because of that and when I asked a mate whether she'll be going to school tomorrow or not, she went "oh but of course, we're gonna do exam subjects for the exams next summer, if you don't care about them stay at home, maybe others actually wanna be well-prepared at the tests".

Okay, wat? :lol:
Snow's returned again, piss poor amount though. Enough for my bollocks to be freezing off, but not enough for it to be fun. :(:mad:
Fucking snowy shitstorm here, freezing cold and windy as fuck. I went to the gym and left my t-shirt to change into on the bed. Biking home in a soaking wet t-shirt in a blizzard, feels bad man.
I went to the gym and left my t-shirt to change into on the bed. Biking home in a soaking wet t-shirt in a blizzard, feels bad man.
Why on earth do you go to the gym on winters, I'd be too busy sleeping/lying around/COMPLAINING about the bad weather all day long. :lol:

Which I shall do now. Today it took me epic amounts of time to go to school / come back home / go to some after-school class / come back home again, because of the HUGE puddles on the streets, after the rain+melted snow yesterday. Swamps I'm telling you, very icky. :erk:
On the other hand, today I saw someone I hadn't seen for nearly 2 years, who had moved to Canada, an ex-highschool mate of mine, while we were trying to cross the same puddle and we gave some sort of really lame squeak when we realised the other one of us was really who we had thought. Apparently the friend has moved to Texas meanwhile and she loves it. Oh happy people.