Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

If anyone knows any good 16:9 webcam that doesn't suck shit (i.e. M$ Cinema) PM me prease.

To MW2 players: Try making a class with .44 magnum w/ tactical knife

Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro

Go into a regular Team Deathmatch, run around knifing people, see how effective it is. I topped the scoreboards 3 times doing this :lol: (Mostly works in clse quarter maps)

Gaming keyboards, i'm looking for a new one since my M$ Sidewinder X6's O button is fucked. Needs ricer backlit keyboards but most of all must be easy to type on.
You know, one of the things that bug me the most about this new vampire fad is that now they've decided that vampires can drink any kind of blood, not just human living blood.

If you can just drink animal blood, then there's no downside to being a vampire. You just get the super powers.
If anyone knows any good 16:9 webcam that doesn't suck shit (i.e. M$ Cinema) PM me prease.

To MW2 players: Try making a class with .44 magnum w/ tactical knife

Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro

Go into a regular Team Deathmatch, run around knifing people, see how effective it is. I topped the scoreboards 3 times doing this :lol: (Mostly works in clse quarter maps)

Gaming keyboards, i'm looking for a new one since my M$ Sidewinder X6's O button is fucked. Needs ricer backlit keyboards but most of all must be easy to type on.

I've pretty much worked out my perfect kit. M16A4/ACR + Heartbeat Sensor (I know, I know, it's a little cheap) + Red Dot Sight with Akimbo 44. Magnums = awesome.

My perks are Bling Pro (obviously), Stopping Power Pro and Last Stand Pro... It's ridiculous how many kills I get in Last Stand with those Magnums. I listed it as "M16A4/ACR" because I really, really, really can't decide which I prefer.

Other than that I sometimes run around like a spastic with Akimbo P90s for the lulz.

Anyway this should probably be in the gaming thread.
You know, one of the things that bug me the most about this new vampire fad is that now they've decided that vampires can drink any kind of blood, not just human living blood.

If you can just drink animal blood, then there's no downside to being a vampire. You just get the super powers.

Some vampires can drink animal blood (in VTMB anyway), but not to the same effect as human blood, it's less "succulent", so to say. Hi-class vampires are too picky to drink it though.

Downsides still include constant thirst, hiding from daylight and controlling the beast within.
If anyone knows any good 16:9 webcam that doesn't suck shit (i.e. M$ Cinema) PM me prease.

To MW2 players: Try making a class with .44 magnum w/ tactical knife

Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro

Go into a regular Team Deathmatch, run around knifing people, see how effective it is. I topped the scoreboards 3 times doing this :lol: (Mostly works in clse quarter maps)

Gaming keyboards, i'm looking for a new one since my M$ Sidewinder X6's O button is fucked. Needs ricer backlit keyboards but most of all must be easy to type on.

I've pretty much worked out my perfect kit. M16A4/ACR + Heartbeat Sensor (I know, I know, it's a little cheap) + Red Dot Sight with Akimbo 44. Magnums = awesome.

My perks are Bling Pro (obviously), Stopping Power Pro and Last Stand Pro... It's ridiculous how many kills I get in Last Stand with those Magnums. I listed it as "M16A4/ACR" because I really, really, really can't decide which I prefer.

Other than that I sometimes run around like a spastic with Akimbo P90s for the lulz.

Anyway this should probably be in the gaming thread.

What killstreaks do you guys have on?

I like Pred Missle/Attack Heli/Emergency Airdrop... if you get a decent drop, HELLO MASSACRE. 40 and 5 is my best K/D with this combo. Used to run Chopper Gunner but I figured why bother with just one killstreak reward when the airdrop sometimes gives you Pavelow, 2 Pred Missiles and a Chopper Gunner.
Lol, I always use silenced weapons (both secondary and primary) + Ninja Pro and Coldblooded. So i'm basically a super leet ninja. No one can see me on radar, UAV, heartbeat sensor, AC130's, other killstreaks etc.

Joe, since I play mostly hardcore I die pretty fast so I have UAV, Care Package and Predator. Same thing on regular matches. I don't camp, I run around (Marathon) and gun people so I die quite alot.

Josh, nice, I gotta try that sometime. I mostly run around with an UMP/MP5 and G18 (both silenced). Marathon Pro, Coldblooded, Ninja Pro. Try it.

Also you play it on PC? We should play together sometime.
Vampire The Masquerade still counts as cool though. I'm talking more about these vanilla watered down vampire stories we see today.

Welll, I personally am willing to accept some variation as long as it isn't fucking gay. You know, basics like "can't go out in sunlight" gotta be there. But honestly, I'd say most of the time a cool story counts for a lot more than the setting. The problem that the works from the recent vampire fad lack both.
The History of My Life:

yesterday: hey honey, what about going to Chile sometime?
today: earthquake in Chile, 100 deaths
Today we had this 'spring celebration' thing at school, when usually chicks are supposed to receive flowers and tiny presents and shit from guys, but as we are a girls' class, 29 of us vs. 2 guys ( :lol: ), they never bother themselves to get stuff for everyone, so they just come at school just like that and us girls exchange presents/spring symbols between each other. BUT then again, getting stuff for everyone is just too much of a pain in the ass, so we usually get chocolates. All of us. All 29 of us. :erk: :erk:
So today I have a chocolate overdose in my blood, but eh. :lol:
Also, to make the rant even bigger and more uninteresting, I took a pic of what these 'spring symbols' called Mărţişor look like:

There are also tiny plastic heart/flower/clover etc-shaped things, but those are way too shitty and no one likes them anymore. :cool:

I wish we had some kind of fun cultural shit to do here when we were younger, instead of the white kids doing jack shit (except commercial holidays) while the rest of immigrants did angry parades. Chocolate overdose is never a bad thing either.

And on a side note, I think you're probably one of the more awesome people left on this board. :lol: We need moar Nightwish covers though!
Lol, I always use silenced weapons (both secondary and primary) + Ninja Pro and Coldblooded. So i'm basically a super leet ninja. No one can see me on radar, UAV, heartbeat sensor, AC130's, other killstreaks etc.

Joe, since I play mostly hardcore I die pretty fast so I have UAV, Care Package and Predator. Same thing on regular matches. I don't camp, I run around (Marathon) and gun people so I die quite alot.

Josh, nice, I gotta try that sometime. I mostly run around with an UMP/MP5 and G18 (both silenced). Marathon Pro, Coldblooded, Ninja Pro. Try it.

Also you play it on PC? We should play together sometime.

Might just have a go at a more ninja based kit. I've tried running and gunning before though. And whilst yeah I did find myself getting a lot of kills, I also died more. And I'm a sucker for awesome K/D ratios.

Tend to prefer the kit I said before as essentially I'm tooled to the teeth with equipment and big guns, the M16 and the ACR work brilliantly at any range. The ACR is a little more accurate but the M16 can usually kill with a single 3 shot burst. 'tis good shit.

And no I'm playing MW2 on the 360, there's no way my laptop at Uni could run it :p
And I'm a sucker for awesome K/D ratios.

I took this account over from my brother, since I bought the game, used his account and got it up to 30 before I left home after the xmas break. Both him and my cousin, hardcore stoners, fucked that up for me from the get go :lol: New gamertag for those who care is Frenchmen420. No, I didn't make the name :lol:
I wish we had some kind of fun cultural shit to do here when we were younger, instead of the white kids doing jack shit (except commercial holidays) while the rest of immigrants did angry parades.
This might actually be the one and only advantage of living in a small country which is kind of a massive "absorber" for everything else. Here we generally celebrate both "external" stuff cause it's fashionable and everyone else does, AND our own traditional shit that's most likely unknown to a huge lot of people. Like, for example, we celebrate both Valentine's Day and our national love day on different dates, we also have one day for when one of the fasting periods is over and everyone who has a flower name celebrates on that day ( :goggly: *shrugs* ), we have old pagan-ish stuff for the arrival of each season, for harvests, for rain etc. And I know many peoples have similar feasts, or a lot of religion-oriented ones, but all these are actually pretty important and respected here. I guess Romanians don't need to try too hard to find partying reasons. :goggly:

And on a side note, I think you're probably one of the more awesome people left on this board. :lol: We need moar Nightwish covers though!
'Awesome'? 'Left on this board'? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, I'm still a noob and I will always be one, that excludes ANY form of potential awesomeness. :erk: :erk:
Thanks lots though. :cool: :lol: And I need opportunities to get to play them. :lol: