'Awesome'? 'Left on this board'? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, I'm still a noob and I will always be one, that excludes ANY form of potential awesomeness.![]()
Thanks lots though.![]()
And I need opportunities to get to play them.
I took this account over from my brother, since I bought the game, used his account and got it up to 30 before I left home after the xmas break. Both him and my cousin, hardcore stoners, fucked that up for me from the get goNew gamertag for those who care is Frenchmen420. No, I didn't make the name
Haha, same. I'm even a bit behind in work so I'm kicking my ass to get caught up.Cool I'll send you an add when I'm next online. Might not be for a while though as I've got a shit ton of work to do over the next couple weeks.
Been there when I was unlocking the thermal scope. I didn't like it much. The Barett is my nigga though, I rape with that thing on a good map. And like you, I also cannot say enough good things about the ACR. Only downside to that is I have so many guns I haven't even unlocked shit for because I hate them when compared to the ACR. Right now I'm trying to get the tacticla knife on a few handguns to do that shit Ensi suggested, it's hardI've been trying the Barrett 50. with an ACOG scope so I can use it at mid range distances. Shit is so cash, try it out sometime.
Right now I'm trying to get the tacticla knife on a few handguns to do that shit Ensi suggested, it's hard![]()
Haha, same. I'm even a bit behind in work so I'm kicking my ass to get caught up.
Been there when I was unlocking the thermal scope. I didn't like it much. The Barett is my nigga though, I rape with that thing on a good map. And like you, I also cannot say enough good things about the ACR. Only downside to that is I have so many guns I haven't even unlocked shit for because I hate them when compared to the ACR. Right now I'm trying to get the tacticla knife on a few handguns to do that shit Ensi suggested, it's hard![]()