Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

1. Download TV shows you want to see that air now or TV series after they've finished (avoiding spoilers in the meantime).
2. Stream from PC to TV.
3. No commercials (or if older, no waiting weeks inbetween episodes to see what happens).
4. Cancel your cable service (as I did recently).
5. (Literally) Profit.

Feels good man.
I went to 2 strip clubs in one night last night. Not the best night ever, although we convinced a girl we know to come and get onstage so at least some lolz were had.
Seriously? whats the point of strip clubs?

pay to get boener?

Sounds like the easiest money scam made on men since the dawn of time.
I went to 2 strip clubs in one night last night. Not the best night ever, although we convinced a girl we know to come and get onstage so at least some lolz were had.

lol fail. there is one across the street and every time I get home late like today I see the bitches going to work/going home and young teens yelling at them because they didnt get laid that night.
That's a pretty funny image if you get home wasted.
Anyway, 8 euro for one beer wtf? I dont see the point of those clubs, they just suck its not like mr bundy shows on tv.
I agree though. The way 99% of all girls dance is basically a stand-up lap dance anyway.
Have you ever struck up a conversation with one? They're usually pretty nice people, my roommates dancer studies business at UofT.

He went for his b-day recently, I was up north fishing. Not sure if I won on that decision.
Strippers are ok if you're drunk already, which also seems to be the condition for making the decision to go there. I'm half convinced that strippers are way smarter than everyone else and are just messing with the rest of us.