Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

The first mentioning of hallucinogenic mushrooms in the Western medicinal literature appeared in the London Medical and Physical Journal in 1799: a man had served Psilocybe semilanceata mushrooms that he had picked for breakfast in London's Green Park to his family. The doctor who treated them later described how the youngest child "was attacked with fits of immoderate laughter, nor could the threats of his father or mother refrain him."

Fucken history brahdude.
I wasnt tripping on anything, just...yeah, really high.

Working on my resume, ive been told I'll probably get this promotion I've been gunning at since I finished school in December, especially after today. All vegetarian cafe on campus needed someone to work this pasta station they had so someone recommended me (and I'd like to know who, sex). Like, halfway through a lunch rush I was kicking ass, especially for someone who's never been on a professional line like that before.

The abundance of soy beef product was a little upsetting though.

Holy shit I with my entire body wasn't in pain from my pull-day *grunt*
Uhm... does anyone know what in the pink floyd happened to the Alestorm board?
:lol: I meant on such a random whim as I did, my bad :p. Ive done them before, not too much more, and didn't enjoy them at all because of all the people around me.
Change subject before we get banned :O