Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Owned by the fucking OHP today. Could only manage to do 5X4 @ 85lbs and it was a real fucking struggle. I am hoping that on Sunday when I do that lift again it will be easier. Really kicked me in the balls to have my first stall on SL.

175lbs Squat and 180lbs DL went great though. Even did 2X5 DL just to make sure I had the form correct, which I did... just 45lbs from 2plate!!1111
That guy looks like cancer. D: Especially his legs.

No school today. Teacher is sick, so course no.1 is gone, and pianist dude for course no.2 is sick too, so it won't be held. Also, no course no.2 on friday, and course no.1 is fun, so all good.
That being said, I expect a very harsh next week. :erk:
Owned by the fucking OHP today. Could only manage to do 5X4 @ 85lbs and it was a real fucking struggle. I am hoping that on Sunday when I do that lift again it will be easier. Really kicked me in the balls to have my first stall on SL.

175lbs Squat and 180lbs DL went great though. Even did 2X5 DL just to make sure I had the form correct, which I did... just 45lbs from 2plate!!1111

I'm going to do SS starting monday. The trainer at the gym came over and gave me a talking to about squats, as I was way too far forward :(. He wants me doing them just with the bar, with a bench behind me, I have to go all the way down untill I fall over, and blast up. feelsbadman, but I'm going to do SS and hope it helps out. OHP and bench are doing well, bros gonna bro.

He even gave me his e-mail if I have questions, was really nice about it all :blush:
You guys still use lbs in Canada?

I started the SL 5x5 programme a few weeks back, feels good.

My first exposure to weights was at a weightlifting gym, doing squats, clean & jerk, etc. but soon after signed up to a trendy gym and occasionally did squats but mainly isolating with dumbbells and machines.

At my max. I did get quite big that way but was training twice a day, 5-6 days per week. These days with work, etc I don't train hard, just maintenance.

After starting SL I'm feeling better, after each workout it feels like my whole body is in tune if that makes sense.

It's only been a few weeks, will see how it goes as the weights get heavier.

The trainer at the gym came over and gave me a talking to about squats, as I was way too far forward :(. He wants me doing them just with the bar, with a bench behind me

In the past I've had trainers pull me up doing squats twice, first guy told me I was going too deep and my legs shouldn't bend more than 90 degrees.

The other time another trainer told me my knees are not to go in front of my toes, pretty much like what you described, it's like sitting on a bench, I did feel seriously out of balance and couldn't squat deep, I gave up on squats not long after.

No shame in starting just with the bar to get correct form, it weighs 20 kg after all. I stared SL with just the bar and squatted deep, legs felt like jelly after not doing squats properly for so long.

Saw one guy doing DL's, told him he was arching his back too much, he said something like, yeah I could do it the proper way but then I'd have to reduce the weight :rolleyes:.

Did shoulders today:

Rear delt flies 20lbs 12 x 3

Barbell OHP standing 120lbs 8 x 3 then 115lbs 9 x 2

Arnold Press seated dumbells 40lbs each 10 x 3

Upright rows barbell 95lbs 10 x 4

Rear delt flies 35lbs 8 x 4


Kg can suck mah dick.
Kg can suck mah dick.


At just about all gyms here the dumbbells are in lbs, the weights that fit the skinny bars usually have both kg and lbs cast into them but gyms label the fixed barbells in lbs.

It's mainly olympic weights over 5kg that have only kg cast into them so for SL 5x5 I notate it all in kg.

This is my first goal :lol: 2plate Squat and DL are coming, hopefully by the end of March/early April.

I should start gymman again, I quit like a bitch. Although getting all these foods n shitz is kind of expensive :(
Excuses my pals. I know you have money to buy shit you don't need. If it is important to you, you'll find a way.

Barbell OHP standing 120lbs 8 x 3 then 115lbs 9 x 2
You double my pals. :mad:

You guys still use lbs in Canada?
Technically, no. But everyone still uses inches and lbs pretty much.
I started the SL 5x5 programme a few weeks back, feels good.

After starting SL I'm feeling better, after each workout it feels like my whole body is in tune if that makes sense.

It's only been a few weeks, will see how it goes as the weights get heavier.

Same here. Shit is awesome. Setting goals and progressing each workout is actually surprisingly addictive. Just hit my first "stall" last workout with OHP but I managed 5X4 each set so I'm hoping I can bang out the full 5X5 next time.

But you do feel amazing once you get going. As the weights get heavier, it becomes much more fun. That's just how it's been for me haha, I mean the workouts are hard but always a good time.

In the past I've had trainers pull me up doing squats twice, first guy told me I was going too deep and my legs shouldn't bend more than 90 degrees.
Totally wrong.

The other time another trainer told me my knees are not to go in front of my toes

This is actually correct. Knees don't pass toes, feet are out 30 degree and shoulder width apart. You then sit back into your hips with chest out/back straight and keep the weight in your heels. Feels good man.

No shame in starting just with the bar to get correct form, it weighs 20 kg after all. I stared SL with just the bar and squatted deep, legs felt like jelly after not doing squats properly for so long.

Same man, started with 45lbs bar, now I'm killing 175lbs easy and I'm just 6 weeks in. I have a serious boner for 2plate, I don't know why...

Saw one guy doing DL's, told him he was arching his back too much, he said something like, yeah I could do it the proper way but then I'd have to reduce the weight :rolleyes:.
:lol: It's ok he won't be lifting much longer. Or walking.
This is actually correct. Knees don't pass toes

This is what I was doing


He was getting me to do something more like this:


but with a bar on my back (too much innuendo :lol:) it did work different muscle groups you could really feel it in the hamstrings but I felt so unstable, I guess you really do need a bench behind you, I didn't get to pump heavy at all, gave up and went back to machines.

He was getting me to do something more like this:


Hope he was going down further than that? But that is how I start, get yourself to there and THEN sit back into your hips. Feels good man. And btw your knees MAY move slightly past toes depending on flexibility but the goal is to not let them go way forward and add extra stress on the knees. Because if you happen to buckle your knees on the way up, you're gonna fuck them up hard. Main thing is learning how to sit back into your hips properly.

but with a bar on my back (too much innuendo :lol:) it did work different muscle groups you could really feel it in the hamstrings but I felt so unstable, I guess you really do need a bench behind you, I didn't get to pump heavy at all, gave up and went back to machines.

Gay. I mean when I squat I feel in mostly in my quads and hams. Never done box squats either.

And today I had to jump up to 185lbs instead of 180 because some other guy was actually using the rack to do 3plate but he failed hard so he went down to 2plate. I was jumping in between sets so I just removed a 45 and swapped it with a 25 in order to not be a dick.

Killed 185 easy. :D I really wonder what my max squat is, but I don't wanna stray from the SL program. Fucking shit tier bench and rows though haha. Bench is up to 120 today, rows were 105. I really can't wait to get to a least 1plate on an arm lift... my upper body is weak as shit :lol:
Excuses my pals. I know you have money to buy shit you don't need. If it is important to you, you'll find a way.

School bills and bus cards aren't exactly cheap here, and I only work like 4 hours a week.

But yes I am dishing out excuses but I feel they are valid. Then again I kind of lost my motivation to go :\
School bills and bus cards aren't exactly cheap here, and I only work like 4 hours a week.

But yes I am dishing out excuses but I feel they are valid. Then again I kind of lost my motivation to go :

>implying I have a job
>implying I don't spend up to 40hours a week on school
>implying your bills are more than mine (luxury condo, film program, etc)
>implying being a teen living at home isn't the BEST time of your life to dedicate yourself to weightraining

Excuses are lies. I'm not criticizing I just want you to know you're not going to the gym because you just didn't get up off your ass. That's the only reason. As long as you don't forget that it's cool. Once you start believing all that bullshit, you'll never get anything done.

>implying being a teen living at home isn't the BEST time of your life to dedicate yourself to weightraining

It's the very best time, get home cooked meals, no rent/utility bills.

The best time for me was when unemployed, I was training twice a day.

Not long after breakfast, went to the gym, then went to visit family, got fed, on the way home went to gym again. Did this at least 5 times a week.

you're not going to the gym because you just didn't get up off your ass.

There's nothing wrong with that either, I've had my reasons not to train in the past - sex, drugs, & rock n roll as they say. I took breaks many times, one time it was for a couple of years but I always went back to training, it's great for your body, particularly your bones.

Life does get in the way and I still yo-yo but only take off 2 weeks max. each time. I think training has made me look healthier than most guys I went to school and uni with so it's something I plan to keep doing, particularly martial arts, the best advertisement I've seen is a grandmaster who's ~ 80 and still throwing people around.

I fell on the stairs today in one of my classes and my ankle got twisted. It's all swollen and stuff, and i can't walk. To make it worse, people in my class made fun of me because i was limping and tried to trip me, THEN nurse told me to go back to class because "it doesn't look so bad". The swell was the size of a gum ball.

I just wanted to share that.