Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Owned by the fucking OHP today.

How'd you go with that?

I've just finished week 7, stalled with deadlift (set of 3) this week and knew something was up.

After getting the excel sheet tracker I was a little bit behind and cheated by adding 5kg instead of 2.5 to my squat to catch up but that wasn't the cause.

I checked my technique and was doing DL with hips too low, like a squat.

I tried some of this stuff today.


From the ingredients it looks like creatine mixed with energy drink. Almost instantly after drinking it my head felt weird, like my hearing was dulled and my vision went a bit into tunnel vision.

Not sure if it helped me get 1 more rep but afterwards but I added a set of DL's to my programme and I'm confident now with right technique I'll be able to go to continue on track next session. Even after that I still felt like I could easily train much more. Will have to try that stuff for my martial arts session, though you really need full peripheral vision for fighting. The adrenaline boost that comes with an actual fight does tunnel your vision.

Thanks for alerting me to SL 5x5, I'm really digging it, my body has transformed noticeably particularly thighs & calves and it feels great to warm up on weights I couldn't squat a few months back. Also with M.A. the techniques now come so easy when I have to drop my centre of gravity and rely on my legs.

There was one thing that really pissed me off today, this fucking bitch left something of hers at the wall near the rack and during my 4th set as I'm squatting down she ducks under my bar to go retrieve her shit.

GTF OUTTA MY ZONE YOU FUCKING CUNT BITCH! I felt like twisting and clocking her in the head with the bar, would've killed her but would've felt great to teach her a lesson to not do that again.

How'd you go with that?

Well, tbh, I missed a week in March thanks to school. But after I was immediately back full force, it helped me with my stalls in fact. I deloaded on the OHP to 80, I'm now on 90lbs and moving to 95lbs Wednesday. Shit is hard though. Squats are up to 205 as of Sunday, moving to 210 today, DL up to 210 as of Sunday. Rows are at 120, gonna be 125 today... only fucking thing I am having a lot of trouble with now is the bench. Did 130, then I've been stalling ever since... even deloaded to 120 and STILL having trouble so I don't know what's wrong... everything else is going up.

I've just finished week 7, stalled with deadlift (set of 3) this week and knew something was up.

After getting the excel sheet tracker I was a little bit behind and cheated by adding 5kg instead of 2.5 to my squat to catch up but that wasn't the cause.

I checked my technique and was doing DL with hips too low, like a squat.

That's good man. Constantly critiquing form is REALLY important, especially on the DL. I can't stress that enough, and I am ALWAYS aware of where my hips are, and keeping my back straight and making sure my hips are doing all the work.

I tried some of this stuff today.


From the ingredients it looks like creatine mixed with energy drink. Almost instantly after drinking it my head felt weird, like my hearing was dulled and my vision went a bit into tunnel vision.

Well might be because you're not used to it. I take a fruit-punch creatine formula, basically just sugar, nitric oxide and creatine. Shit is amazing, I stopped it for a week as per the cycle instructions and oh man, what a the difference without it. I can still lift the weight but those last few reps are hard as fuck. I don't know how similar what you have is. I'd need the ingredients to compare.

Not sure if it helped me get 1 more rep but afterwards but I added a set of DL's to my programme and I'm confident now with right technique I'll be able to go to continue on track next session. Even after that I still felt like I could easily train much more. Will have to try that stuff for my martial arts session, though you really need full peripheral vision for fighting. The adrenaline boost that comes with an actual fight does tunnel your vision.

Well my suggestion is if you keep experiencing side-effects like that, stop taking it. I mean, I never had any with creatine except a little bit of a rush from the nitric oxide. It's all about the benefits vs. the side-effects so use discretion. I know after a heavy set of squats or rows I get a massive rush that feels like I just shot up heroin but I'm not sure how safe it'd be to get that mixed with other disorientation from the supplement.

Thanks for alerting me to SL 5x5, I'm really digging it, my body has transformed noticeably particularly thighs & calves and it feels great to warm up on weights I couldn't squat a few months back. Also with M.A. the techniques now come so easy when I have to drop my centre of gravity and rely on my legs.

No problem man. I know that feel exactly. And that is what helps me lift bigger weights too. When I'm under 200lbs I just think of how 135lbs felt and how it is now my warm up. I'm going for 315 within the next 6-8months. I really enjoy the program. I've never lifted like this in my life. I am a small dude so getting the lifts I have so fast makes me feel pretty good. I know it's just beginner gains but still. I am at the healthiest I have ever been in my life and I just keep progressing. I am noticing my muscle definition more, even throught he fat. Only a few more months till I'll be lean enough for it all to show :cool: I'll probably do this for another 6 months or so (going down to 3X5 and 1x5 until I've maxed out under the program) then switch to something else. I REALLY can't wait to be doing this on a proper diet though. Right now I am eating to lose weight so my recovery isn't as good as it could be if I was eating a shitload more. Gonna be amazing.

There was one thing that really pissed me off today, this fucking bitch left something of hers at the wall near the rack and during my 4th set as I'm squatting down she ducks under my bar to go retrieve her shit.

GTF OUTTA MY ZONE YOU FUCKING CUNT BITCH! I felt like twisting and clocking her in the head with the bar, would've killed her but would've felt great to teach her a lesson to not do that again.

:lol: A little extreme but that is incredibly dangerous for her to do, for both of you. What a dipshit.
Since this thread is now apparently /fit/, allow me to share a fat person story.

>In study room (internet access)
>Fat girl who is basically a groupie to some french exchange students comes in
>Fucking annoying as hell ringtone EVERY FEW FUCKING MINUTES
>Proceeds to have a loud phone conversation
>Too fucking fat/lazy to leave the room and avoid bothering everyone trying to study

Not the first time I've witnessed her doing similar stuff. Fucking cunt.
Well, tbh, I missed a week in March thanks to school.

You can't help that, I'm doing the programme best I can now I'm between jobs but work, band and life just gets in the way at times, not to mention sickness, I always go back to gym with some regularity.

Shit is hard though. Squats are up to 205 as of Sunday, moving to 210 today, DL up to 210 as of Sunday.

Are you increasing DL's by 10 lb each time? This was something I didn't notice at first, well I did put a 10lb increase in my diary after reading the site but at the gym thought it was an error so put it down 5lb and followed with 5lb increases for a few weeks.

I later downloaded the tracker - SHIT!



There was a bit of cheating to catch up and probably another reason why I stalled with DL, due to not progressing lightly.

only fucking thing I am having a lot of trouble with now is the bench.

Are you doing them with your shoulder blades together and pushing the shoulder blades down your back as low as possible? This was really weird to me, I've always done bench like an upside down push-up and working the chest. I'm still at a light weight at this stage, the SL version seems to be working my back more than chest, I'm sure I'll feel it in the chest when the weights increase but I imagine it'll also build my back muscles to help cope with it.

Well might be because you're not used to it.I don't know how similar what you have is. I'd need the ingredients to compare.


They instruct not to use it for more than 8 weeks, so I won't. I've heard how bad energy drinks are.

Yeah the first time is always the strongest till you build a tolerance, the side effects weren't harsh, nothing like street/pharmacy drugs, the difference was just noticeable.

I did notice I wasn't as hungry the rest of the day though I have started eating better. I also felt like I had growing pains so did a lot of stretching last night, first time I stretched at home for quite a while. Felt good.

I know after a heavy set of squats or rows I get a massive rush that feels like I just shot up heroin
That would be the brain releasing chemicals, perfectly normal.

These chemicals, called endorphins, were found to be very similar to morphine in chemical structure and pain killing abilities. In fact, morphine attaches to the same receptors in the brain as endorphins. The scientists found the similarities so striking that they actually named the chemicals 'endorphins', meaning "morphine" and "made by the body".

Right now I am eating to lose weight so my recovery isn't as good as it could be if I was eating a shitload more. Gonna be amazing.

Could you still intake the same calories but switch to more protein?

I notice I sweat a lot more, my singlet is drenched at the end of it. I can tell the difference between now and my prior routine from how heavy my singlet is after the workout, lol. More sweat no doubt means I'm burning more calories so I'm now making my diet better to target fat loss.

Here is a complete guide to Jerry Seinfeld's Sneakers.

I've owned many sneakers and Nike is one brand I've always steered clear of.

I fondly remember my mid top Patrick Ewings.

Last few pairs have been nondescript black sneakers - New Balance, Brooks, Asics.

After feeling a bit nostalgic, my latest acquisition:



You can't help that, I'm doing the programme best I can now I'm between jobs but work, band and life just gets in the way at times, not to mention sickness, I always go back to gym with some regularity.

Consistency is key so I try my best to get there every time I'm supposed to.

Are you increasing DL's by 10 lb each time?

Yes I am. The last workout I did though I did 2X5 deadlifts. I'll only added 5lbs, on the first lift then pulled it off easy, so I added the other 5. I might continue with this method or pull back to 5lbs. Weight is starting to ger heavy.

Are you doing them with your shoulder blades together and pushing the shoulder blades down your back as low as possible? This was really weird to me, I've always done bench like an upside down push-up and working the chest. I'm still at a light weight at this stage, the SL version seems to be working my back more than chest, I'm sure I'll feel it in the chest when the weights increase but I imagine it'll also build my back muscles to help cope with it.

I do it with shoulders back. I find it fucked up my balance with the bar if I don't concentrate 100% so I imagine it's done like that to activate more stabilizers. I get mad doms in my pecs though the next day You might just have good pecs, not feeling it doesn't mean anything. Like I do atg squats and never have doms in my quads. After a set I walk down a giant set of stairs then up a big hill to get home.

They instruct not to use it for more than 8 weeks, so I won't. I've heard how bad energy drinks are.

Same with mine, so I stopped for a week and then started again.

That would be the brain releasing chemicals, perfectly normal.

These chemicals, called endorphins, were found to be very similar to morphine in chemical structure and pain killing abilities. In fact, morphine attaches to the same receptors in the brain as endorphins. The scientists found the similarities so striking that they actually named the chemicals 'endorphins', meaning "morphine" and "made by the body".

It feels fucking amazing, that's all I can say. I actually love going to the gym for this reason now. My addictive personality has FINALLY come in handy :lol:

Could you still intake the same calories but switch to more protein?

I already have a good protein intake, anywhere between 180-200g a day depending. I keep my carbs under 175g and I eat from 1800-2000 a day. Which isn't enough for any kind of gains :p I mean I can see my arms and legs and back getting defined, even through the fat, but I know once I can legit eat to gain and work as hard as I do, I will get some awesome results.
>thinks Nikes are meant for functionality


My foot is quite wide, EEE, Airwalks don't fit too well. My pair of black/white converse I wear all the time when not at work, have been very solid since September (just need to clean them up and they'd be fresh). My anti-Slip kitchen shoes have lasted half the time, and are totally torn up :(

I workout in some cheap rebok I found at a liquidation store, they fit well for everything except heavy lifting on my feet, so I need to get something for that...my street shoes are usually to wet from snow to drag into the gym.

I have a list of shit I need to get, a top-line sneaker is one of them, probably Jordan I or IIs. Gotta stay so fresh so clean.
I seriously can only lift barefoot now. It seems you guys are very knowledgeable now on exercise. You better be eating enough and supplementing properly. My diet is intense. We were doing Tai Chi in my stress management class and the first part was balance, so we were grounding ourselves while be pushed from the side and the girls trying to push me over couldn't and wouldn't stop groping me. glassesoncoolface.jpg
I seriously can only lift barefoot now. It seems you guys are very knowledgeable now on exercise. You better be eating enough and supplementing properly. My diet is intense. We were doing Tai Chi in my stress management class and the first part was balance, so we were grounding ourselves while be pushed from the side and the girls trying to push me over couldn't and wouldn't stop groping me. glassesoncoolface.jpg

Ive both been slacking and barely eating, and eating shit when I do eat.
March is failmonth.
Weight is starting to get heavy.

Atm it feels like that every workout but I manage to push through.

I do it with shoulders back. I find it fucked up my balance with the bar if I don't concentrate 100% so I imagine it's done like that to activate more stabilizers.

I think so, as I said it did feel weird, starting with empty bar was a good idea. I'll persist with pushing the shoulder blades down low and see how it works out.

You might just have good pecs

Could be, I used to do pec flys properly, just about everyone I've seen does them like bench press and it'd piss me off when they'd just drop the weights to the floor. Go lighter and do the technique properly.

I do atg squats and never have doms in my quads.
I get them in my hamstrings but I was never a squat person. I like how SL's concentrate on squat and not so much on chest, prior I'd always blow my chest right out, almost looked like I had boobs.... almost. Now my lower pec isn't as large but the upper pec is catching up and with my abs now pushing out, my front is more uniform. Lookin' good!

I can see my arms and legs and back getting defined

You're gonna have to change your username.

>thinks Nikes are meant for functionality

I've never liked the image - my pals wear. :lol:

I'm sure there's a fitting anagram somewhere for NIKE.

I workout in some cheap Reebok I found at a liquidation store

I like Reeboks, also found a cheap black pair with suede/fabric top and stiff rugged sole, I only use them for outdoor M.A. training so they've lasted years.

Ive both been slacking and barely eating, and eating shit when I do eat. March is failmonth.

I find that training inspires me to eat better, it makes me view poor food as a waste of all my efforts, still have the occasional chocs & ice cream.

Airwalks have good, cheap flat sole lifting shoes.

Thanks for reminding me, I just went to check out some flat sole skate type shoes I have - air cushion :(

Could be, I used to do pec flys properly, just about everyone I've seen does them like bench press and it'd piss me off when they'd just drop the weights to the floor. Go lighter and do the technique properly.

Isn't there such a thing as dumbell bench press (no idea if it has its own name)? Could be they were doing that, although dropping the weights after is still rageworthy.
This week is the first time since November-Decemberish that I've started using the home gym again as opposed to the one at my school.
Feels nice to bench and squat with a bar again, need to work my squat back up though, when I stopped before I could do 60kg (I weigh about 62-65) but now I'm only doing 45. And any of you guys doing StrongLifts let me know how you're doing, I personally couldn't make it work, doing 3 sets of 15 for the win now.

....and any of you guys doing StrongLifts let me know how you're doing

Funny you should ask, I went to the gym today I did my DL's with correct technique - nailed it! I'm back on track.

You have to follow it to the letter and keep going back to re-read the tips to check on your technique. In between, eat right to make sure you recover properly.

This morning I was reading the tips for OHP, one of them was Squeeze Glutes Hard. I was suspicious thinking it was just a throw away tip but I wrote in my diary next to OHP

Squeeze Glutes HARD!

So I did.

WOW! What a difference!

It really stabilised my body and helped me press so much easier.

It's the little tips that I had never used or even considered before that really make it work.

I weigh about 62-65 but now I'm only doing 45.

You're also quite young right?

I recall reading years ago, they recommend teens not lift heavy weights, take supplements, etc. till they've finished growing ~ 22 years of age, saying it can stunt your growth, etc.

Do what you feel is right for you, maybe get a trainer to write you up a program to work on what your goals are.

This week is the first time since November-Decemberish that I've started using the home gym again as opposed to the one at my school.
Feels nice to bench and squat with a bar again, need to work my squat back up though, when I stopped before I could do 60kg (I weigh about 62-65) but now I'm only doing 45. And any of you guys doing StrongLifts let me know how you're doing, I personally couldn't make it work, doing 3 sets of 15 for the win now.


Doing over 15 is a waste of time. And isnt strong lifts 3X5 for most things?

Either way, if you do over 15 you're going to light, 15 and 20 reps will get you the same gains, but you just spent time doing extra reps for no reason really (times that by each set).

Also, you're skinny child, low reps, and eat more.