Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Oh look, the pot calling the kettle black.

No that's a Melbourne asshole setting the record straight about Shitney cunts they're fag's poofs and junkies seriously man you can look it up it'll probably be in the dictionary.

I'd rather deal with his bullshit as bad as it can be than listen to anything a faggot with a vest covered in patches has to say.

Sorry pop princess.

I thought that s bloke was settled in here now. He seems like a pretty cool guy eh
Definitely more so than whoever this other Aussie is :lol:

Yes that's coz I'm an asshole not a cool guy eh.

heh you again as if I give a fuck for your opinion.
Jesus Christ am I meant to ask my mum to get 20 bottles of milk a week when she goes shopping? Cause I don't have a job D:

You're Pakistani .....don't you own a cow?


I've looked, nobody accepts fucking 15 year olds here :mad:

I worked at Hungry Jacks (Burger King) when I was 15, stuck it out for a few years too. Wanted a car, got it, then needed to keep working to maintain the bastard......and I still have it.

I'd rather sweep floors and do dishes at a normal restaurant than be at the counter at KFC

They put the girls on the counter, you'll be sweeping floors and doing dishes believe me.

's' the face of Sydney

Close the border, the Mexicans are coming.

Sydney, Australia a place full of fagots, pros and junkies

^ has never been to Sydney.

setting the record straight about Shitney cunts they're fag's, poofs and junkies

A fag is a poof ..... I guess only a fag would know there is a difference.

Hang on, didn't I see you on the battle jacket float at the Gay Mardi Gras?


Can't spell or punctuate, look at who we're dealing with.

Judging by his sig, he probably has a Southern Cross tattoo to represent he's Australian without realising the Southern Cross is in half a dozen flags of other countries in the Southern Hemisphere....even Brazil.

Proud to be Australian - doesn't like Sydney, the birthplace of modern Aus. :rolleyes:

You're Pakistani .....don't you own a cow?


I worked at Hungry Jacks (Burger King) when I was 15, stuck it out for a few years too. Wanted a car, got it, then needed to keep working to maintain the bastard......and I still have it.

They put the girls on the counter, you'll be sweeping floors and doing dishes believe me.


No cows here, this isn't the village. And kickass about the car. I'm more of an extended range guitars dude than a car dude though :lol:
To paraphrase Muffin:

The 'less is more' argument was invented by people with small penises, seven strings is king

Of course applies to all ERGs.
Close the border, the Mexicans are coming.

has never been to Sydney.

Have been several times hate it boringest place in the world there's no underground and if there is it's tiny there's no music it's so blurrr.

I ain't coming anytime soon that's for sure.

A fag is a poof ..... I guess only a fag would know there is a difference.

Yeah that's true.

Hang on, didn't I see you on the battle jacket float at the Gay Mardi Gras?

No I'm from Melbourne, But It would make sense you being at a gay mardi gras after all you are a resident of Sydney a place where they do have gay mardi gras.

Can't spell or punctuate, look at who we're dealing with.

Judging by his sig, he probably has a Southern Cross tattoo to represent he's Australian without realising the Southern Cross is in half a dozen flags of other countries in the Southern Hemisphere....even Brazil.

Proud to be Australian - doesn't like Sydney, the birthplace of modern Aus. :rolleyes:


I wounder do you even know who Peter Lalor or Rafaello Carboni are? Do you even know what the Eureka Stockade of 1854 was? Do they teach Aussie history in schools up there? Are you aware of how your democratic rights to vote as a Australian came about? Where Democracy was born in this country?

Or do you assume as those wanker racist Sydney bogans do that the Southern Cross is a symbol of social status and go rioting against your minorities in the streets?

Read the quote and you may realize that it's a quote that denounces separation of minorities and majorities in favor of unity and rights for one and all.

But you wouldn't know about history and politics because I'm from Sydney modern Australia rah rah rah ignorance.
After reading the past page of the above faggots (Ze Boy) bullshit, I don't really think I can imagine anyone who embodies the foreign metalhead stereotypes any better.

In short: You really should end your life in the very near future. Please get in your bath tub and stick your nutsack in a toaster.
Would be really embarassing if anyone walked in though. I'd rather sweep floors and do dishes at a normal restaurant than be at the counter at KFC :erk:

No one is hiring for 15 year olds to sweep and mop, they hire old people with no schedules, as the majority of sweeping and mopping happens at night, or very early, which is why its always old people.

And yeah, KFC shit like that isn't embarrassing. Anyone who laughs is either a pussy who lives off an allowance, or doesn't even have enough money to eat where you work. Minimum wage sounds like shit, but when you're a kid and you have no financial obligations, its actually a decent amount of money. Its almost summer, people have been hiring for summer work for a while here, I assume there too. Landscaping is fun, and you wont have to go to the gym to workout :p

Don't be afraid to do things because its embarrassing. If you were 25 working at KFC, that would be embarrassing...even if manager.
After reading the past page of the above faggots (Ze Boy) bullshit, I don't really think I can imagine anyone who embodies the foreign metalhead stereotypes any better.

There's something about certain Metallers from Melbourne, you get the above sort of crap, Neo Nazis, etc. I guess shitty weather makes people bitter and complain too much.

So what, a group of people fought for their rights to vote in days of yore. Respect to them and all but I don't feel a need to harp on about it, it's patriotism gone mad.

Nothing unique or original either, it happens in just about every country and is happening now in the middle east.

Eureka flag had a meaning back then but has been overused so much, these days it's a just a symbol for right wing Bogans, racists, etc. which is a shame.

Minimum wage sounds like shit, but when you're a kid and you have no financial obligations, its actually a decent amount of money.

I got paid rather well at Hungry Jacks, I chose a lot of closing shifts so got paid time and half for the last few hours each night, worked every public holiday to get double time and a half.

I always had a reasonable amount of money to buy things. At the time nobody at my school had a car on par with mine, one teacher told me he hated when students had better cars than teachers - he was pretty cool though.

Yeah some friends would come into the store and have a laugh but you get over it when you can buy shit they can't.

Fuck me I'm so fucking hungover fuck
Lost 2 coats, one cowboy hat and my keys and my fucking door was locked. I went to see if my car was unlocked to sleep in it and surprisingly to me it was, and I found my keys in it. VICTORY. (I'm pretty sure I didn't drive anywhere because they were in the trunk :lol:)
I also have a vague memory of the ladies at a fast food trailer laughing at me. I was supposed to go see a show, I have a stamp from the bar on my wrist, but no memory of ever going there...
After reading the past page of the above faggots (Ze Boy) bullshit, I don't really think I can imagine anyone who embodies the foreign metalhead stereotypes any better.

In short: You really should end your life in the very near future. Please get in your bath tub and stick your nutsack in a toaster.

You're a foreign metalhead you stupid yank the poms are the ones who came up with metal you toss

There's something about certain Metallers from Melbourne, you get the above sort of crap, Neo Nazis, etc. I guess shitty weather makes people bitter and complain too much.

So what, a group of people fought for their rights to vote in days of yore. Respect to them and all but I don't feel a need to harp on about it, it's patriotism gone mad.

Nothing unique or original either, it happens in just about every country and is happening now in the middle east.

Eureka flag had a meaning back then but has been overused so much, these days it's a just a symbol for right wing Bogans, racists, etc. which is a shame.


Yes thus the quote which represents the true purpose of the Eureka flag and what it truly represents

And no in Sydney because Sydney is shit it's misused by racists

But in Melbourne it's used from anything from workers unions something Sydney doesn't have because it's shit to sports teams such as Melbourne Victory and Melbourne Rebels

It's also the flag for the city of Ballarat

However because in this state we are an educated people we understand the real meaning of the flag and the unwelcome Nazi element which has absolutely nothing to do with the metal scene here do not use the flag as it's values of equality and democracy are a contradiction to what they believe in.

Btw I'm an active democratic socialist which is firmly on the left side buddy.