Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

This is now a cat thread:




The best birthday party ever yesterday, my friend turned 26 and decided she wanted to do Lazer Tag, so they rented out a place from midnight to 5am. Four of us teamed up and won enough tickets in the arcade for a slinky (like $10 later).

To make the games more fun, me and my roommate made up some 'special' banana bread. Shit rocked, for those of you who cook cannibutter, throw in some lemon and orange zest (we did like 3-4lemons and one orange), and it will completely cut out the cannibutter's strong flavour.

Did a lot of crawling and squats to hide behind cover, shit got intense platoon style. Fucking legs are killing me today. Black T-shirt was also a bad idea in the heavily black lit rooms :( dandruff'd.
Explosions in the Sky new album is really good, more of the same similar to their last album. Really liking it.


Fucking fucked day. Spent alot of time this week preparing for this big 400 person job today, and was tasked with supervising the event (sorta). They specifically asked for Spaghetti Os, and "Canned Ravioli". Not only did it take the receptionist all week on the phone with Campbell Soup Company (sp) getting all this shit, but I opened 1/3 of what we ordered, 4 pans worth, 120 cans or so. Bigass cut on my finger from the pulltab ring from opening so many. They ate 1/3 of a tray of it.
1/2 a tray of 5 Ravioli. All the hard work was on the damn sandwiches, and doing the roast beef yesterday. they ate 3 sandwich trays I made 18. Chef made 8 prime rib roasts they ate half of one.

Its what they ordered, so we get paid and profit eitehr way. But the sandwiches don't keep long at all, so they had to be thrown out. The beef won't last too long, and it will be shit if we freeze it. We have SO much fucking canned ravioli, spaghetti Os, and tomato soup...both opened and un-opened... ffffuuuu. Its crazy how much food was thrown out tonight. We're not aloud to take it out with us. Like, enough to feed a person a few weeks is probably going to go completely to waste. Rich people piss me the ruck off, burned my hands 40329430294302 times too.


Yeah get the new EitS
You said it yourself man, rich white folk are the biggest my pals. And, holy fuck, who asks for Spaghetti-O's :lol: I thought you were telling some joke. Honestly, how much do you think they dropped on the thing?

Also, I got a gig writing for Examiner.com on Atheism, Secular Humanism, and other religion related stuff that I don't know requires capitalization.