Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

smh. wish they were SOAD nowadays used to want to be Metallica did stints as Slipknot and that pagan/goth stuff (think Faith and the Muse except metal)

but something more entertaining- if you were a cardinal sin which one would you be (wrath, pride, greed, gluttony, sloth, lust, envy)? or would you prefer to be a venial sin?
and if you are sloth are you more acedia or despair? if pride is it more vainglory or is your pride warranted?
but something more entertaining- if you were a cardinal sin which one would you be (wrath, pride, greed, gluttony, sloth, lust, envy)? or would you prefer to be a venial sin?
and if you are sloth are you more acedia or despair? if pride is it more vainglory or is your pride warranted?

What is this? A gothy 13 year olds slumber party? :lol:

Lets melt candle wax onto our arms and watch horror movies.
Stalled on SL's last week.

Sqt 87.5kg (5 5 5 5 5)

OHP 52.5kg (4 4 4 2 3)

DL 105 kg (1)

Pretty sure martial arts training the night before impeded my recovery, had no energy to do another DL rep. Next day after weights had DOMS from m.a.

This time around had a couple of days rest, reset the last two and wore a belt for DL's

Sqt 92.5kg (5 5 5 5 5)

OHP 52.5kg (5 5 5 5 4)

DL 105 kg (0)

Wtf's happening with my DL's?

Deloaded to 100 then 95, still nada.

Deloaded down to 85kg just to get some DL's done, did 5 reps struggling. I feel that the 5kg increases are too rapid for me.

Still felt good after the workout though. I've got soreness from a ligament in my hip crease, right side front. Seems like my weights are increasing too fast for my tendons but more likely improper technique somewhere caused it.

Googled 'Stronglift stalling' and notice the Starting Strength vs. SL debate. Quite a few people switch from SL's to SS after stalling. The pros for SL's is the many reps build proper technique faster, I have to agree.

I'll keep with SL's for a bit as I'm still seeing results. Can't seem to find the SS programme online.

yeah, I need some lust to make my wrath.

had too much pride recently- think i might throw that out tonight.

and I've had WAY too much envy over the years hence the need for lust in order to make wrath here
Honestly, I turn 27 this year. I have a baby and college degrees and all that stuff. Look at my profile- she's a cute baby. loves presents and Alexi Laiho

true story, she gets really REALLY excited to hear someone say Alexi. If you show her a picture, she'll nearly jump out of your arms. Alyssa <3 Alexi

all the babies in the daycare love COB too because my daughter is so pretty and smart and popular and my daughter loves Bodom so the other babies love Bodom too

it's true. the newest generation of COB fans are but babes