Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Hipsters gonna hip. Anyway..

Sucks about norway, loonies gonna loon :/.
I hope they dont treat it like Americans and instantly blame all the shit that doesnt have anything to do with the situation.....it must be because of black metal music!
I hope they dont treat it like Americans and instantly blame all the shit that doesnt have anything to do with the situation.....it must be because of black metal music!

Well, I've already seen a couple of news from finnish tabloids like "Anders Behring Breivik played Battlefield 2 and World of Warcraft LIKE THE FINNISH SCHOOLSHOOTERS!"

"As well as the Jokela school killer, Pekka-Eric Auvinen and Kauhajoki school killer Matti Saari, were active Battlefield 2-players. The idea behind the game is to kill as many enemies as quickly as possible. The more enemies the player kills, the more valued he becomes in the online community."

Jesus Christ what a load of shit. But anyway, seems like the attention on his motives is moving where it belongs, as he has published a 1500-page book where he explains about the islamization of Europe and ways to combat it (at few points there's almost scarily in depth-advice how to make/get weapons and kill supporters of multi-culturalism etc. It seems like he's part of some bigger organization.

Here should be a link to the manifest and a video which is like a very short summary of it: http://tinyurl.com/3uztoop
Hate how they call him "far right."

He was a pro-gay, pro-Israel, anti-racist Zionist who killed white children belonging to an anti-Israel party.
I wouldn't even call them anti-Israel, unless the definition of anti-Israel is everything but 100% supportive without a question

Which isn't even unlikely
herpa derpa

He's just a massive aspie/autist troll

The whole rant he made about COD MW2 being the most realistic military simulator, and how he used it to train, all the marxist rants and the other crap, just reeks of gigantic attention-whoring trolling
Speaking of what happened in Norway, now the news is saying that the Norwegian police should have responded in a more timely manner.

While I don't condone what happened, in a way it doesn't surprise me.
:lol: :lol: :lol: What, seriously?

“I just bought Modern Warfare 2, the game. It is probably the best military simulator out there and it’s one of the hottest games this year. … I see MW2 more as a part of my training-simulation than anything else"


Considering that MW2 is said to be realistic when its not is a really old and well known meme on videogame and guns forums(which he reportedly frequented), I'm like 90% sure he wrote that as a troll
Considering that MW2 is said to be realistic when its not is a really old and well known meme on videogame and guns forums(which he reportedly frequented), I'm like 90% sure he wrote that as a troll

Just proves the guy's a fucking loony. That, or it's all an intricate corporate wars plot. *cue conspiracy theorists*
Ohai haven't been on COBOT for a while, i'm visiting family so. Yeah it was kind of horrible, and I agree to some point in his beliefs, but I think he should have targeted the prime minister or something. I guess he got more drama/attention from killing kids, fuck if I know, I don't research this shit.

On the game note, the media is now blaming the games. I remember watching the news and some professional psychiatrist dude saying "he simply doesn't know how to separate games from reality". They then proceeded to show off a forum post from the WoW forums where he said "Was an epic feeling killing Naxxramas" (a big boss in WoW, requires alot of people and co-ordination to kill). Then the dude says:

"He says it was an EPIC feeling to KILL" etc, jesus shit the fuck? wat?

Some stores also removed WoW from the shelves (!)


"Killer-game removed from shelves after Utøya-massacre"

About the MW2 thing, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, a forum post? But I read half of his manifest and he only gamed it casually (played more WoW than anything for a period).
It'll blow over, the removing of games is just a temporary thing that stores themselves decided to do as a gesture of support for the victims. And the media is barely covering that event compared to all else, let alone "blaming it on games". They'll cover each sides in all stories as they usually do, even if one is quite obviously wrong(and retarded).

but seriously, nationalism is gay, if he should be angry about dead people in his country he should be ranting about people dying all over the world every day, where is the difference between the people who live in your country and people who live some more miles way?
Fuck patriotism, and fuck nationalism. We are all equal in my book! Cept for the ppl in the facist govt of North America they can all goto hell! :lol:
guys look at this study, http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/gaming_for_good/

For years, video games have been linked to aggression and violence, with researchers and media reports suggesting that violent games have inspired or even caused violent acts.
But a new study suggests that video games can be a force for good, finding that games with positive objectives can actually inspire people to perform acts of altruism.