Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Well fuck me I took a food education but I kind of failed it, ah well, i'll find something to do later in life! :) Working in a guitar/instrument shop is totally okay at the moment :cool:
Well fuck me I took a food education but I kind of failed it.
:O daaawwww wha' happen?
This is why men don't bake.
With regard to restaurants yeah.

I did some work experience back at school for Nestle and remember being told, "If you get into food you'll never go bust"

:lol: No.

Nestle chocolates? I would hardly consider large corporate food services the same as food industry. Restaurants are incredibly difficult to profit off of too.

Edit: and its too fucking hot out. What the flying fuck is this!?!?!?

Its 11:15pm at 32C in my room! And its supposed to be near 40 Tomorrow D:!!!!!
and its supposed to last a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And my AC is brrrookeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nestle chocolates? I would hardly consider large corporate food services the same as food industry. Restaurants are incredibly difficult to profit off of too.

Nestle have many subsidiary companies they're much more than just chocolates but yeah the same company.


Nestle are definitely in the food industry along with restaurants but to be more specific would restaurants fall under the catering or culinary industries?

...and yes whatever you want to call it, the restaurant industry is very competitive.

Nestle have many subsidiary companies they're much more than just chocolates but yeah the same company.


Nestle are definitely in the food industry along with restaurants but to be more specific would restaurants fall under the catering or culinary industries?

...and yes whatever you want to call it, the restaurant industry is very competitive.


Well, if they don't have a restaurant, then they are not a part of the restaurant industry. They are more in the advertising industry than anything. Advertising is the main bulk of that business anyway. The chocolate is cheap and shitty, but people buy it because its so readily available and has such neat wrappers.
Well, if they don't have a restaurant, then they are not a part of the restaurant industry.

Nah, I said food industry I realise Nestle have nothing to do with restaurants and yeah most commercial chocolate is junk.

We had Cadbury switch back to cocoa butter, they were using shitty palm oil till people protested.

:O daaawwww wha' happen?
This is why men don't bake.

Failed the final exam. I got something to make that i've never made before (a result of having no interest in the field and slacking off). So yeah, it was kind of shit.

I'll re-take the exam in a month or so to try and pass it, but I still doubt i'll continue with baking.
Worse than that, sadly, and this ain't the doings of foreigners.

Bomb was made and detonated by a Norwegian right wing extremist

he then went on to a youth camp on an island dressed as a police officer, and killed at least 80 people
death toll is expected to rise

Here's an article written in english by the largest norwegian paper, to clear some things up

Still a lot of unanswered questions though.
Yeah, thats fucked up. Right Wing Extremist? What was the point/goal he was trying to make?

He was arrested alive?

Also I might see Vried and Kampfar, sounds like fun. I barely ever listen to either lol... infact, kampfar for the first time now, liking it.
A day before the attack students on the island led a protest against Israel. And now since Norway has viewed Palestine as a legitimate state, I think this is why he went apeshit, considering his anti-Muslim and very pro-Christian views.
It's sadly more pathetic than that. Norway is like the only country that has a specific law stating that if they deem him to be too looney to be held responsible for his actions, he won't even get a trial. He wont get convicted of anything, and just put in isolation on a mental institution.

It's a disgrace

We still have 21 + forvaring though, which means that if they don't think he's too mentally insane, they can detain him for the rest of his life, essentially.
To my knowledge, that's never happened before, and I doubt it'll happen now :/
Just saw about this earlier, fucking AWFUL. Just awful.

A day before the attack students on the island led a protest against Israel. And now since Norway has viewed Palestine as a legitimate state, I think this is why he went apeshit, considering his anti-Muslim and very pro-Christian views.

Fuck yeah Norway.
you guys are talkin bout winehouse,right?

ha ha nice, yeah here in england people are getting seriously wound up about it, pretty lame tbh, thats what you get for doing hard drugs and refusing rehab.

On another note, wtf is this douchey pretentious hipster shit?

^ That was fucking boring. The chick took like 2 minutes to open that can, I should be left waiting for a sandwich that long.