Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

mind blown

No I meant the raw fish. Some people gag at the thought of eating sushi, but it doesn't taste like anything but what ingredients you put in there. The raw fish has no taste or smell if it's fresh.
It's the combo with the fish and the soy sauce + green shit(wasabi?) that does it for me. Wouldn't eat sushi without the soy sauce + green shit mix :/
No I meant the raw fish. Some people gag at the thought of eating sushi, but it doesn't taste like anything but what ingredients you put in there. The raw fish has no taste or smell if it's fresh.

Salmon and snapper are tasteless because they are so lean. Fattier fish like tuna is going to have a much stronger flavour (fat=flavour, for any animal).

Also, I notice its mostly the texture that gets people.

I just think it's kinda gross :(

Salmon and red snapper are really nice for noobs (see above). Tuna I'm not a big fan of, my friends get eel and herring sashimi when we go out :/

nigiri-sushi is just raw fish/shrimp on a small bed of rice, which is also better for noobs as the rice will take up more of the sauce.

It's the combo with the fish and the soy sauce + green shit(wasabi?) that does it for me. Wouldn't eat sushi without the soy sauce + green shit mix :/

Soysauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger. The sauce is to be avoided when dealing with sushi involving mango, or so I've read :p

Authentic wasabi is very expensive, most of the stuff around is an imitation made of horseradish.


Wasabi basically is horseradish, but yeah I've never had the real stuff. Seeing as real stuff goes for like $70/lbs and is grown along the streams of mystical mountain valleys of Japan.
Reminds me of this girl at work, she invited all of us over for Sushi. I didn't go due to already having plans that evening, but...
They got served rice, smoked salmon and roast beef.... And that's all.

>smoked salmon and roast beef

Salmon and red snapper are really nice for noobs (see above). Tuna I'm not a big fan of, my friends get eel and herring sashimi when we go out :/

nigiri-sushi is just raw fish/shrimp on a small bed of rice, which is also better for noobs as the rice will take up more of the sauce.

Yeah, I had those before, and you're totally right, it doesn't really taste like anything. Thinking it's raw is the gross part :\
Ok, that just sounds like you raped her.

I can understand why people are turned off by sushi because there's nothing really about it that I can pinpoint as to why it's so delectable. There's a Japanese loan-worm Umami which I think really describes why people like myself actually enjoy eating sashimi.

I know I sound like WikileakS up there but I did some research in taste receptors and biochemicals, as I am a college graduate now, and found people like my dad (who hates tomatoes) also dislikes most other foods high in "Umami".

I also hate food ignorance. If you've never eaten it, please don't say you don't like it. Working in a Jewish restaurant for 2 years seriously opened my mind to fucked-up cuisine habits.
my dad (who hates tomatoes) also dislikes most other foods high in "Umami".

Not sure about umami but I also can't eat tomatoes, I've tried them but something just doesn't allow me to like them. I can have tomato paste and sauces without an issue.

Other problem foods are eggs and milk though I can have food that contains them.

Raw egg blended in a shake is doable but not much else in the egg dominant variety, omellettes and such

I didn't take to milk after about 5 years old, we used to have free milk at school, a teacher coerced me into drinking some - vomited it up right in front of her. Funnily I could have flavoured milk. I now only drink the low fat milks and still need to add flavour for it to go down.

I told one friend about this and he wonders how I'm alive :lol: but I get the vitamins, etc. from other foods, I eat stuff most people just won't attempt.
