Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

OK, so I decided to go to a university in Finland or another Scandinavian country, but what I wanna study is genetic engineering. Can you guys recommend me a good university there? I asked a few friends, but they had pretty much no idea and Google is not the best place now because everything I found was in Finnish! So, yep, that's pretty much all! I know everything about applying for a university in a foreign country (hell no, I won't study in Bulgaria, I'm not that crazy) but soon I'll have to figure out the university that I want the most and for now I don't know it! So, please guys, help!!!!!! :(
I'd look up the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Sounds like that topic is right up their alley really. It's a well good university, I plan on going there myself in a couple of years. Just remember that IF you end up wanting to go there, get here early as fuck to grab student housings, theres a shortage of them and it's a first come first serve "system". Oh, and studying in Norway is ofc free, no tuition fees etc(but food aint free, living here costs quite a bit). Such is life in soviet communist Norway
Must be nice :p

"Okay students, you will fail at life and get a shitty low pay job if you dont go to university,

By the way it will cost you over $100,000 in books and tuition, but you can pay that off in time with your expensive education...

By the way we have no jobs anymore lol."
workin @ ma office, wastin everybody's time with ma educationzzzz :cool::danceboy:

If those south of the US border are known as wetbacks, are those north of the US border known as drybacks?

Hey did that Enmity guy ever say if he had testicle cancer or something? I haven't seen him here in forever...
The board being completely dead is no excuse, it must be nut-cancer.
