like in Opeth forum..have you cried to Anathema?..


and I looked up her skirt
May 26, 2001
Nashville, Tn.
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I broke down once while listening to Eternity when my girlfriend and i were not on the best of terms.....locked myself in her room with a bottle and Eternity..was not a good idea:( :loco: ....of course that happened before i built this damn annoying wall around my heart:mad: .........
yes....on several occasions...mostly back in 1998 and mostly while listening to eternity... Well,it was an awful period in my life,I was constantly depressed and crying all the time....
at night while lying in bed,while listening to eternity with candles on,even while walking to my classes... hopefully the streets in my town are so deserted at 7.00 in the morning....
Well, I didn't quite cry but remember how devastating it was discovering 'Eternity' and 'The silent Enigma' at the same time as I was going through a tough period. Those songs just clung to me and struck such a chord in my heart that I thought I'd never come round.
Ok, slightly off topic post here (sorry) but does anyone else find that when going through these hard times music helps immensely, so afterwards whenever you hear that one album that you really liked and supported you at the time, you can feel just like you did then.

Also you hated it at the time, but when looking back you quite often miss it? (don'taskme why but I often feel like that)
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Ok, slightly off topic post here (sorry) but does anyone else find that when going through these hard times music helps immensely, so afterwards whenever you hear that one album that you really liked and supported you at the time, you can feel just like you did then.

Also you hated it at the time, but when looking back you quite often miss it? (don'taskme why but I often feel like that)

I have a one word response that sums up my thoughts on your comment.......DEFINITELY!!!!!!!!!!
I can agree with godisanatheist here. I don't remember if I ever really cried to music (Anathema included). For me, Anathema is strangely uplifting and spiritual music. It's music for the rebirth of the universe, where I am a witness and a survivor. I'm talking specifically about Judgement.

D Mullholand
Judgement, especially "Emotional Winter" and "Wings Of God" always makes me thinking of all the strange things that occured in my life... RESULT: Deep, deep sadness. But the most intense atmosphere has the "Silent Enigma". I don´t listen too often to this CD throughout a year, but when the first snow falls (always around my birthday... ;) I grab this CD... Yes, for me it is the ultimate Winter-CD...
Yeah, about a month ago... Turns out my Fiancee is goin' to college after the summer, and there was a chance she'd have to leave me behind, even though she didn't to... One Last Goodbye got quite a bit of sea-water out of my eye sockets from that...
i cried yesterday (1 tear... as always) while listening to One Last Goodbye (i saw them live :D). Such a strong liaison with this kind of music just saddens me. It's becase I KNOW what's he’s feels, I know what he thinks and I know it hurts and then I fall, just to rise again. I totally comprehend what Leadfoot said about an annoying wall around our heart, it's simply that if we do like (a lot) a person, then when it's over you’ll ache eternally, then you’ll be scared to do it again… sorry I'm starting to ramble words together, but yes… my heart is nothing but smithereens of a once totally functional love thingy.
Then I’ll agree with Godisanatheis, I think I listen to this type of music because I understand it, I know what's going on. I remember when I was searching in the Internet for Metallica’s meanings, now I don’t need to search for any kind of doom metal.
Yes, I have also cried to Anathema...mostly to eternity. Many nights since me and my girlfriend have separated I spent alone in my house with that cd, candles lit and oceans of alcohol. Its very comforting to know that others have done this as well and even more comforting to know that we're all making it through it. I think others can agree that the music, while depressing, holds and warms you, just like your best friend would. Thank you Anathema and thanks to all of you for sharing.
I feel like the odd man out, but the music of anathema only shelters me. Lets me drift into my own sphere of existace, where only me and the music exists. Only way for me to find real peace :cry:
I haven't cried to Anathema, either. But countless times their music sent cold shivers down my spine...
Is the only band I cried with. I've heard many, many sad bands, and sorrow songs, but Alternative 4 has lead myself to nights of sadness where tears arose just as it was normal to be crying.