like in Opeth forum..have you cried to Anathema?..

and why not "i still feel your low"? :loco: blasphemous, shame on me!

joking aside, i still understand "love".
Originally posted by bleed for me
yea, the songs "parrisienne moonlight" "eternity" and "one last goodbye" make me sob like a baby:waah:

good to hear someone from HK! (i have family there and know just how tragic musical tastes are out there!)

parisienne moonlight is really beautiful and 'haunting', fragile dreams is also and holds special (but sad) meaning for me...
i can't remember if i have ever cried to anathema (probably) but i always think of their music as more so fragile and 'beautiful' and though its sad, its got some element of hope and 'feelgood'...strangely. Now PL's One Second is a record i have cried to a LOT and everytime i listen to it now it really takes me back to a period that was just really horrible for me... i love that album but theres so much shit attached to it!
i have cried many times listening to 'one last goodbye'

and as i was recently callously dumped by the girl of my dreams, if i was to play 'suicide veil/radiance' (which i consider one song...) i know i would break down and cry uncontrollably

those two songs are the story of my life before i met her and after.. but now that she has crushed, stomped on and torn my heart apart, i dunno how the fuck to feel....


life sucks
I'm pretty sure it's, "I still feel your love".

I thought that before I read the rest of the lyrics and I'm pretty sure that that's how it goes.

I haven't cried with Anathema because whenever I'm really upset I usually listen to Saturnus 'Martyre' or 'For the Loveless Lonely Nights', or any My Dying Bride album.
..i know i'm late on replying to this ....
the first time i heard anathema i cried.....when hearing "Inner Silence"...that was i could truly relate to the words waseven about my mother aswell....
everytime i hear that song it brings as at least one tear to my eye...however it si not uncommon for me to cry to music...but i agree with teh majority of the is music that brings with it such emotion and such passion...i think anathema has helped alot of differnet people through many differenet circumstances!

Eternity has made me want to cry before. Eternity and pentecost are really slow, melodic, depressing albums. That's why I like them and listen to them when I tire of hard distortion and such...

...and I have noticed a whole bunch of people from the Opeth forum here.

That's cool.
One Last Goodbye, Inner Silence

I always thought it was ARMS until I checked the lyrics...

And I totally agree with
Ok, slightly off topic post here (sorry) but does anyone else find that when going through these hard times music helps immensely, so afterwards whenever you hear that one album that you really liked and supported you at the time, you can feel just like you did then.

That is so true. Music does that to you. "I still feel" the same, I think I always will when I listen to O.L.G.

Those songs especially thrust down a imaginary hand which grabs my heart, exposes it and makes it feel unprotected, raw, and sad.

I only listen to them when I'm alone.