Line6 Announces POD Farm - Free for X3 owners

This doesn't over ride the gearbox plug in does it? I just got an email saying I can download it for free since I bought the gearbox plug in.
could someone explain to me if amp farm is different from gear box in tone quality.

i've always had the thought that amp farm was sweet, but i didnt have access to it because of its protools only design.
This doesn't over ride the gearbox plug in does it?
No, you can keep both.

I actually liked POD Farm. IMO the GUI looks much better, it has a new mixer section where you can set the sends, you can drag n drop stuff between the chains on dual tone keeping the settings and it has tons of new presets (99% useless of course). I´ll probably take some time tweaking with dual-tone.

I just wish they had done a new Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier model with the same dedication they had developing the new gorgeous faceplates GUI. An impulse loader option and a metronome which you could add your own samples would be great too. Well, anyway.
It can run alongside gearbox so nothing to lose in downloading it. I guess you can complain too much as its free, but its not too bad IMO. I like the GUI seems pretty fast on my computer and the knobs move much smoother than the gearbox plugin. Also the ability to load presets from outside the recording software is nice.

I think ampfarm is based off the old pod software and is only a few models.....
So you can use dual tone with gearbox? I own the XT not X3 and can only use one cab at a time with gearbox. Is there an update I'm missing?

Can you turn off the cab models in POD farm? I usually bypass these in gearbox and use impulses.
So you can use dual tone with gearbox? I own the XT not X3 and can only use one cab at a time with gearbox. Is there an update I'm missing?

Can you turn off the cab models in POD farm? I usually bypass these in gearbox and use impulses.

You can use dual tone on Gearbox duplicating the DI track on your DAW and running one instance of Gearbox Plugin for each track.

You can turn off the cab models in POD Farm.
You can use dual tone on Gearbox duplicating the DI track on your DAW and running one instance of Gearbox Plugin for each track.

You can turn off the cab models in POD Farm.

I’ve ran two of them from a duplicated DI and notice the sound gets really harsh and nasally this way, not to mention more stress on the CPU. Hopefully this one isn’t too much of a hog. Anyone else notice this when running two?

Line 6 really needs to come up with some new modeling in my opinion. My money will be going to revalver III once it has the RTAS worked out.

Just a few Questions,

1- My friend wants an X3 and i want POD Farm, I also Own a ilok and we were going to Go Halfs in it, Me take the software, He takes The POD. Any Problems with This?

2- Can Patches be transferred from PODs and Be Opened up in POD Farm

ahhh ok, those sneaky Line 6 Guys!

I suppose its Fair enough, you only have to pay once for the rights to use it hardware or software.

you can only use the pod farm as a plugin FOR FREE if you have : POD X3, POD X3 Live, POD X3 Pro, TonePort DI or TonePort UX8.

I am really dissapointed.....cuz i have a little studio with a friend...i have a toneport gx and he has a toneport UX1...
and line6 is telling me that we have 2 LINE6 INTERFACES we cant use pod farm as a VST for free??
fuck line6...we are gonna sell our toneports
and stick with the awesome free stuff (nick crow. soloC, etc)
you can only use the pod farm as a plugin FOR FREE if you have : POD X3, POD X3 Live, POD X3 Pro, TonePort DI or TonePort UX8.

I am really dissapointed.....cuz i have a little studio with a friend...i have a toneport gx and he has a toneport UX1...
and line6 is telling me that we have 2 LINE6 INTERFACES we cant use pod farm as a VST for free??
fuck line6...we are gonna sell our toneports
and stick with the awesome free stuff (nick crow. soloC, etc)

I know, more than 1 year late... :D

I was concerned about this too, but then I discovered that I was able to record the pod farm directly into the DAW. This is: opening the standalone pod farm, opening daw, monitor input ON, record. :Spin:
I thought the general consensus was that alot of people actually preferred the old POD models over the new HD stuff?

Tbh they've still to sort out PF 2.5 before they start worrying about 3!