Dont rush an album. Dont use the same formula. Dont be cliche and boring. I know its easy for me to say that but we have to draw the line somewhere. I love death metal and you'll find that the bands that release albums that hit hard are USUALLY far in between. There are always exceptions but come on. Some bands never lose it, some bands never gain it back. Some bands use their fame to pump out same-o same-o albums for money, some struggle hard to top their latest and dont do it. What we want as metalheads is a genuine effort for bands to find their sound and multiply it as much as they can. Dont let anyone rush you and just really listen to what you've created and build on what you think is the best. The bands I'm most wanting to persuade are the ones who have had good albums but have fallen from their catch. Take your time and really outdo yourself,Screw everyone else.