Lomdim ivrit

I liked that instruction there
i would help you everytime with plaeasure Nathalie :p

welcome in Anvers :wave:

by the way - it's am interesting site. thanks.
! שלום
! זה רעיון טוב :tickled:

Pour les Français qui souhaitent apprendre l'hébreu voici des liens vers des sites contenants des cours très intéressants, aussi bien pour débutants, moyens ou avancés :
Morim.com http://www.morim.com/
Hebreunet.org http://www.hebreunet.org/

(Sites for French speaking people wishing to learn hebrew and lot of other stuff around the hebrew culture :) )
Morticia NL. said:
Ha ha, if someone could just teach me how to write the letters- like you would normally learn in elementary school. I am having a hard writing them, I am more like "drawing"in a sense. Yeeeez, it will be the worst hebrew handwriting!
How do you go about it Geri?
http://www.levsoftware.com/alefbet.htm :grin:

Edit : I like this one also (specially the bereshit explanation :-) )http://www.ejemm.com/aleph/index.html

Edit 2 : And just see that the link to my pages are on a page that posted Geri :tickled:
BC-A said:
! שלום
! זה רעיון טוב :tickled:

Pour les Français qui souhaitent apprendre l'hébreu voici des liens vers des sites contenants des cours très intéressants, aussi bien pour débutants, moyens ou avancés :
Morim.com http://www.morim.com/
Hebreunet.org http://www.hebreunet.org/

(Sites for French speaking people wishing to learn hebrew and lot of other stuff around the hebrew culture :) )

Super !!! Merci !! :rock:
Cool sites !
BC-A said:
! שלום
! זה רעיון טוב :tickled:

Pour les Français qui souhaitent apprendre l'hébreu voici des liens vers des sites contenants des cours très intéressants, aussi bien pour débutants, moyens ou avancés :
Morim.com http://www.morim.com/
Hebreunet.org http://www.hebreunet.org/

(Sites for French speaking people wishing to learn hebrew and lot of other stuff around the hebrew culture :) )

merci beaucoup!!!!
youpi je vais apprendre l'hebreu, avec le japonais ca va le faire !!!
BC-A said:
! שלום
! זה רעיון טוב :tickled:

Pour les Français qui souhaitent apprendre l'hébreu voici des liens vers des sites contenants des cours très intéressants, aussi bien pour débutants, moyens ou avancés :
Morim.com http://www.morim.com/
Hebreunet.org http://www.hebreunet.org/

(Sites for French speaking people wishing to learn hebrew and lot of other stuff around the hebrew culture :) )

[font=&quot]BC-A [/font]אני יודעת[font=&quot] [/font][font=&quot]

wecome in here BC-A and Ollo-San!

Mais quoi faire maintenant? Ca sont beaucoup de sites!
Je crois que j'ai besoin des vacances pour avoir de temps d' etudier tout ca...
Excusez- moi, mais c'etait longtemps deja que j' ai eu le chance de parler francais! ( et je sais pas comment ecrire une cedille/ accent grave etc. sur cette ordinateur)
Morticia NL. said:
Mais quoi faire maintenant? Ca sont beaucoup de sites!
Je crois que j'ai besoin des vacances pour avoir de temps d' etudier tout ca...
Excusez- moi, mais c'etait longtemps deja que j' ai eu le chance de parler francais! ( et je sais pas comment ecrire une cedille/ accent grave etc. sur cette ordinateur)
:wave: Wow, jij frank hel goed ! ani très impressed ! :tickled:

I have searched for nl sites to learn hebrew such as the french sites I gave, but without result ! I can't imagine there is none :confused:

Anyway first thing to do is to learn by heart the aleph beit cursive and printed(15 min per day, first day the 5 first letters, and then add 5 letters per day, or at your own rythm). According to me, the most important thing is to learn (even a little bit) everyday.

ç alt+0231
é alt+0233
è alt+0232
but well, dont care about this on the internet :grin:
There were city fetivities here and there were international kiosks with speciality from the whole world like every year, organized by the university here. So there was an israeli kiosk as well, I went to and bought humus with bread and salad (very delicious). So I took my whole courage and just asked the salesman (an israeli student) on hebrew what does it cost....i was like stoned that he answered immediatley to me (and made at the same time a joke with me ,by telling me the price in shkalim :p)...cause he understood me ... so we spoked furthermore for a minute or two... it mades me very happy- the experience to know, that all the effort to learn hebrew was rewarded! ..so i'm now inspired to learn furthermore ;)
Geri.....of course it is rewarded.....
and it will be even more when you'll come to Israel !!! (hint!)
here you will find better humus.....

you story reminds me when I was in Berlin 3 years ago, and there was a bier festival (in Ku-dam staße).....and I saw a lot of people with israeli flags....I was amazed and tried to find the sorce....then I found a little kiosk with a lot of israeli flags....and a israeli student selling falafel and israeli beers (Maccabi and Goldstar....I have to say it was quite a success among the germans)......and more students who talked about peace in the middle east.....
it was really delightful.....
Today I had some hebrew lessons- just a few words in slang- from Sabach who lives in Jerusalem and is now visiting Holland. He will go to the Graspop festival with a friend and I know him cause we met in the RTN festival in Turkey last year.
Funny thing is that we are both going to the metal festival in Istanbul next weekend!
So we spent a great day in Amsterdam, hanging in some bars and in a park, having a mini picknick and talking about all kinds of subjects. It was really great and we were laughing when the guys were posing for "Immortal" style pictures, I think the rest of the people were wondering what it was all about. We were talking really loud, like Israeli's do a lot of the time ( ask the staff in some of the hotels where OL stayed..) They are known for being loud people, but also great fun to be with!
The guys also wondered about the fact that is was 21.30 and still lots of daylight, cause in Israel you look the other way around 18.30 and suddenly all the daylight is gone in the blink of an eye, this will be mid summer. Here it will not get dark till 22.30 sometimes, especially when the weather is good and it is around June 21st, which is called "the longest day" for the light lingers.....

Sabach was also curious to know my knowledge of hebrew, but I find I am too shy to speak in front of native speakers. It is like I am so afraid to make a mistake! This is the first thing you have to do when learning a language, overcome your fear of making mistakes!
You remember in Berlin Geri, you had the same kind of situation going on there....
Still I am determined to learn.

Great stories in this thread by the way- keep it up

Here are some pics, first one at the Hardrock cafe

Then of our little picknick

Hmmm, my friend ask me if I know somebody who will tell him what: "Shlom lech Mariam"... maybe somebody can hellp us??!!
Me and my friend are looking for hebrew lesson....but we can`t find somebody who will teach us :((