Lomdim ivrit

shalom (as in hello) can also be interpreted as peace as in:
-Peace on you
-Piss on you too you sonnamabitch .
WOW ... meanwhile i think you have a very dinamic life full of variety Nathallie :p

hey Lalleah - witaj :wave:

vebruchim habahim EnumaElish veOZ_H :wave:
Geri said:
WOW ... meanwhile i think you have a very dinamic life full of variety Nathallie :p

hey Lalleah - witaj :wave:

vebruchim habahim EnumaElish veOZ_H :wave:

Todah Rabah Geri
canyopu also read and write hebrew?
BC-A, כבוד!
(now i am speaking like a rapper)...Strange, all the french people i know learned hebrew real fast (I guess 5 people are not enough to generalize, though)

BC-A כפרה עליך :D
OZ_H said:
Todah Rabah Geri
canyopu also read and write hebrew?

Thank you for the support BC-A :wave: So if you still didn't read the 3th page of theis theread OZ_H, here ist the answer - yes i can read and write...i can read (still slow) but for the unknown words for me i still need a little vocalizatio help to know how exactly i have to pronounce them... well the same for the writting in hebrew ;)
I can count till 100 now!!! I' m so proud with myself that i just had to share that with you...so when i go to Israel one day i can say bamis'ada: "bira ahat bevakasha" :tickled:
BC-A said:
Anyway I am not sure you will need so many beer at one time :D

Luckily, you can survive in Israel with English, plus "schalom" and "toda"...But I agree, it definitely gets much more interesting if you can understand, speak and read a little more Hebrew.

Geri, I really really admire your effords of learning Hebrew!
BC-A said:
Ich weib nicht, ob diese Verbindung bereits gegeben was. Ein schön website für unseren Freunden aus Deutschland. :tickled:

Tu parle allemand? Pas mal. Bon, before I start boring you with my rusty French (which is a shame, I should really show a greater interest in the beautiful French language as my ancestors are from Metz...); thanks for the link. I've even had a couple of books at home for some time now, "Teach yourself Hebrew" (not the exact title but you get the idea (incl. cds which I listen to sometimes - at least - ;) ) but due to my complete lack of self discipline I seriously doubt I will ever get further than chapter one "The most important phrase for tourists: Slicha, lo hevanti klum." :grin:
"Slicha" is not very important word......not used very often in Israel.....
"lo hevanto klum"......thats another story!

Geri......when you'll come to Israel I will test you counting 1 to 100 :)
I really envy you......you're really fast learner.....
I stoped learning german for a while.....and now trying to learn some spanish.....cause I'm going to south America for few months.......
I already know to count from 1 to 29......thats it......
Why does it seem that everybody around here speaks at least six languages!
I feel jealous :D
no Problem Eran ... i do that with pleasure... i mean to count - so can i practice. And you should not be jelaous of me or give up your german. When you're back from South America - you can continue with learning and i can help you if you want. ... i mean it is very easy to crate a thread lernen deutsch or something like this ;)

@sister ophelia - danke ... ich tue einfach mein bestes :p

@ BC-A - thanx for the site

@ OZ_H - no matter how many languages you speak - important is to feel like home here...
Androz said:
The good thing about spanish is that is easy to learn

yes.....that is true....

especially for me......cause I have spanish roots.....
and I have some Israeli-Argentinian friends who help me......

besides......spanish is very popular language in Israel (maybe the most popular) cause a lot of people (including teenagers) are addicted to Argentinian soap Operas.....
other people making a long trips to South America and coming back with good memories, great pictures, and new language.....

Geri said:
And you should not be jelaous of me or give up your german. QUOTE]

of course not.....
I'm planning on taking the german learning books with me.....
and practice when I can....especially in long rides from place to place.....