Lopez's Best Works

Anyone knows what's he is up to now? any projects with him included going on or something? I like his drumming very much
I smell Axe-fanboy-ism.

I smell Lopez-fanboy-ism.

It's a fact that Axe plays solid double bass, while Lopez was out there (every bootleg I've heard from 2001-2005, Lopez was ALWAYS fluctuating the tempo, especially during double bass parts.)

What more is there to say? Axe has proven himself to be a more-than-worthy replacement for Lopez. He wasn't irreplaceable. Gene Hoglan played his parts on extremely short notice, and almost perfect iirc. Go figure how irreplaceable Lopez was? That's not to say that his studio work wasn't nearly impeccable. But Lopez wasn't God live, and that's where it counts more than anything.
and that's where it counts more than anything.

I agree in everything except here, because I have never seen them live, and probably never will, but I hear the albums over and over again, which performance do you think I will appreciate more? The live one or the one in the studio?
His best work I reckon is GR. Although he's fucking good on every album he did with the band. Also I liked how he's drumming sounded kinda relaxed but interesting. Axe seems to sound more like a machine (which isn't a bad thing). As for the live bit I noticed watching clips on youtube that Lopez was fucking up a fair bit probably due to fucking around too much with fills. And Axe is solid but when I saw him in Melbourne last year I noticed he'd sometimes fall behind the tempo and sorta fuck himself up. But still none the less BOTH DRUMMERS WERE/ARE FUCKING AWESOME!!! Stop with this "fan boyism" crap and just appreciate both drummers!
I smell Lopez-fanboy-ism.

It's a fact that Axe plays solid double bass, while Lopez was out there (every bootleg I've heard from 2001-2005, Lopez was ALWAYS fluctuating the tempo, especially during double bass parts.)

What more is there to say? Axe has proven himself to be a more-than-worthy replacement for Lopez. He wasn't irreplaceable. Gene Hoglan played his parts on extremely short notice, and almost perfect iirc. Go figure how irreplaceable Lopez was? That's not to say that his studio work wasn't nearly impeccable. But Lopez wasn't God live, and that's where it counts more than anything.

Axe can't play Lopez songs like him.

While watching Roundhouse Tapes I really wished Lopez was there.

But he is good on Watershed I admit that.

Axe is a better death-metal drummer than Lopez but Lopez was the drummer of Opeth. I do not think anyone can fill his place.
Axe can't play Lopez songs like him.

While watching Roundhouse Tapes I really wished Lopez was there.

But he is good on Watershed I admit that.

Axe is a better death-metal drummer than Lopez but Lopez was the drummer of Opeth. I do not think anyone can fill his place.

Roundhouse Tapes was recorded at the end of 2006. I saw him back in September and he was a lot better at playing the grooves, Hope Leaves demands some pretty soft drumming and he pretty much nailed it.
Axe can't play Lopez songs like him.

No one can not play a song just like the other with drums I guess. Axe has his own touch and I guess he is also very solid drummer but still I like Lopez more. Axe's drumming is just too basic and he uses his "signature" things too much Imo.

ps. just listening A Fair Judgement and I realized that the drumming in that song sounds really Axe.
I would have to agree that 'Ghost Reveries' probably contains Lopez's best drumming, and 'Ghost Of Perdition' is a great example of it.

I don't really have a preference out of Lopez and Axe though, there are aspects of each of their playing that I like, but I will agree that Axe is more solid live, but in saying that I think Lopez's beats are more left-of-centre than Axe's but in the end they are both great drummers.

Funny how Ander's drumming never, ever gets brought up, hehe.
What more is there to say? Axe has proven himself to be a more-than-worthy replacement for Lopez. He wasn't irreplaceable.
I still think he was, Axe and Lopez have entirely different styles for sure, and one listen to Watershed should show you that, there's only 1 song on the entire album with any moments of softer drumming. I think that Axe is a great metal drummer, probably better than Lopez in many ways, but for me, Watershed just made me miss Ghost Reveries drum work.
Its almost impossible for me to pick any special Lopez moments since he is my drumming hero and my biggest drumming influence. BUT, if I had to choose, I'd say:

Ghost Of Perdition
Beneath The Mire
Ah hell, literally the whole Ghost Reveries album lol
Hope Leaves
By The Pain I See In Others
Serenity Painted Death
The Leper Affinity
I still think he was, Axe and Lopez have entirely different styles for sure, and one listen to Watershed should show you that, there's only 1 song on the entire album with any moments of softer drumming. I think that Axe is a great metal drummer, probably better than Lopez in many ways, but for me, Watershed just made me miss Ghost Reveries drum work.

Hessian Peel
Hex Omega

that's three songs with soft drumming on them. lotus eater also has the mario part, where axe is grooving too.

go figure?
Okay after listening to Roundhouse for more I got new comments:

Axe is like a metronome. He never misses beats, I think this is what band members say about him being " tight ". His timing is perfect, and he is great at double bass drum. Overall he is a good drummer BUT my point is :

He cannot play Lopez' songs like him. Nothing personal, if Axe was the first member and he left then Lopez joined I would say the same for Lopez can't play Axe' songs.


They have a new drum set which sounds weird.

Anyway don't get me wrong dudes. Was not trying to flame Axe.