Lord Of Metal


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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Thanks for the kind words to neal and I, in pyus' thread. You know your cool as well. Ppl who are new to these surroundings should get to know some ppl before they make their unwanted opinions of them.....

Thanks pal.
yep. this puys dude doesnt get it. we all start with flames and then get to know each other a bit, and then we're all cool. hes just choking on jons dick to hard to realise that.
Wow, a thread disignated towards me, I feel special, but I was just telling the truth. I felt he was judging you and neal for what you both said in that thread and he should get to know both of you before judging you, as you said. You're welcome though. I love this board though and I would defend any regular here.
I agree. Its the custom around here.

If ppl would just pay attention, they would see that when a new commer joins, if we DO NOT flame them, they leave. If we flame teh fuck out of them , they stay for good, and get on well with everyone.

Can yo believe he thought this board was bias? Its like FUCKING HELL, did he even read the 1st ten pages as he said. If he did read them, wouldnt he have noticed that more ppl liked IE then nevermore. At least the ones who like the IE may haev been the only replies. BUt anyway, he/she is so full of shit, his/her eyes are brown
:lol: He's meaning to be a moron. He just wants to start something. Hey, atleast there is a person to flame again. Seems like such a long time ago since there was one like him, oh yeah, I believe it was me. :lol: "I fell in love with a baked potato. That's when I started to dance, yeah, in France."
yep, the old days seem to have been pushed over to the way side hahahha.

Actually, i may be wrong, i may be saying this too soon. BUt i dont think i want to be that dudes pal. He just rubbed me very wrong. I normally give everyone a chance. Weather it shows or not. Ill just keep checking the guy out, and see what time will tell.
I'll give the guy a few chances to redeem himself. I'll wait and let him get over his embarrasment with a flame war first. Then I will judge him.
Calm down Guerrilla. I don't swing that way. Oh look, it's Bubba haha. Ah, that's worn out. No not the joke, your asshole. From your head being in it.
eh, anyone that buys jons hype that much, i couldnt get along too well with probably. oh well. i grew out of my iced earth phase a few years ago. perhaps he will as well.
This reminds of me of being in the cafeteria in elementary school and hearing the dudes at the next table over talking really loudly about how much I suck and how much it would hurt me if they told me. Only difference is, they didn't do the same thing to everyone, and I had been at the school for four years...you guys should realize, though, that first impressions count for a shitload. I'm glad I took the time to stick around after the flaming started, but generally the first thing I do when I go to a forum isn't check all the archives to see what everyone said to the last new arrival. Takes too long.

Sorry I rubbed you the wrong way, ledmag...neal, why don't you tell me how you usually rub him, and I'll try that?

-My first pathetic attempt at a flame in a LONG time,
"-My first pathetic attempt at a flame in a LONG time,"
Wait that was a flame? Now I'm really confused. I was probably the last new guy they flamed and now look. You're right, first impressions are everything and I figured out they were joking, and that is a good first impression. And it shows that people care, because if we didn't, we wouldn't talk about you at all. Look, if you don't have a sense of humor and can't take a joke, then leave because you won't like it here. But you did come here and then started talking about people just because of a flame thread. If it was a serious thread, then I could understand your reason for judging, but it was a fucking flame thread. And you knew that you would upset people and get flamed for your thread, or you wouldn't have been so blantantly obvious with it. And you wouldn't have said anything like "oh, don't flame me". I didn't care for that, but it's been done and I've chatted with you a little in the flame thread (what!, a chat in that thread, confuses me too). You seem like a cool guy, so I propose that (if you even read this) you post a, ah, post about you after this one. Say whatever, but be serious about it. Don't mention anybody on this board, just you. Then, let everyone else judge you for who you are, like you want.