Machines & Madness - new song (acoustic ballad with clean vocals)

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Okay this is the fucking last version, I´ve mixed today.

- made the 3voice harmonics wider
- get rid of the fx a bit
- mastered without clipping (I hope)
- improved the sound of the guitar solo.
- flatten the vocals a bit more (tuning wise)

I´m really satisfied with it now. Gimme your conclusion, mates.

Finished version on youtube and facebook (click on the link in my sig and "like", if you do)

FAT UPDATE: This is the new version. I re-recorded the entire vocals and added a lot of new stuff harmonic wise. Let me know what you think :)

Hi fellas :wave:

This is the only song I wrote in the last 12 month and I´m a songwriter, so don´t wonder, if the lyrics aren´t that positive ;)

This is a raw version..(orchestral elements and backing vocals will be added later) First I´d like to know, if you like the song, the arrangement, vocals and all that stuff. Gimme your opinion. Here you go:

Cheers! :kickass:
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Ok, I see what you mean. I don't have much experience with acoustic production but I think the mix is well balanced and voice suits well.
Hey Felix,

first of all I really like the song and the arrangement, mix as well...
but somethings strange about your vocals...I nearly dont recognize you that much...sounds as if you had it a lot harder to get these done than for other stuff...(narcosynthesis for example I imagine it beeing a lot harder)
it felt a lot less "effortless", if that makes sense to you?
I dunno, maybe the pitch of the song isn't ideal for the melody of the vocals or your voice within it?
The melody is really cool too, fits the song and I totally get the mood you want to translate...but something feels a bit "off" to me, and I don't think
it's something I had to get used to.
maybe you're having a bit harder time to deal with this one because its more personal?
chiri says the same btw
sorry man :/
Yeah Mago, I think you´re right! Weird thing is, when I sing it while I play guitar along, I feel very comfortable with. I did overdubs and recorded vocals thereafter...a completely different feeling. Maybe that´s the reason it sounds a bit "off"...

Narcosynthesis was pure fun!! This is something different..maybe I have to wait until I get the right mood for it :) Thanks for your honest opinion, dude! What do you think about the vocal fx...too much?
Yeah Mago, I think you´re right! Weird thing is, when I sing it while I play guitar along, I feel very comfortable with. I did overdubs and recorded vocals thereafter...a completely different feeling. Maybe that´s the reason it sounds a bit "off"...

Narcosynthesis was pure fun!! This is something different..maybe I have to wait until I get the right mood for it :) Thanks for your honest opinion, dude! What do you think about the vocal fx...too much?

puh glad you're not butthurt :)

Vocals fx...I think the phaser works nice, but pulling it back a little wouldn't harm that much.
The vocals also were a bit low in the mix
No, I´m absolutely not butthurt, Mago! :) This is an early version of the song. I started monday to record it and usually my songs need weeks til being finished. So I´m very thankful for all comments, critics and suggestions for improvement..especially for vocals!
I'll have to agree with mago. I don't know if he's only talking about the performance but I think there are also some pitch issues, mainly on the first half of the song. Nothing major, but enough to make it seem like you're struggling.
The song sounds cool, I'm looking forward to hear the finished arrangement.
Nice song Felix! (still missing some metal guitars :headbang:)
I dig the vocal effect for this song, it really fits in the mix.
I'm listening at the office with some shitty headphones, but I'm used to them and i can say production is great, well balanced, and very clean.

About the vocals, as always, your early takes are not the best... I would rate them 8/10, but in the end you always manage to make them sound 10/10.

You know you are a lazybones! 12 months and you only wrote a song? Come on!
Oh thanks a lot, mates! :kickass: First let me say...I´m really, really glad, you like the song. I was afraid of a serious bash tbh haha....cause I simply couldn´t classify it anymore and it´s so NOT metal.

In the end I will have background vocals and some doubling, I guess vocals will be good at the end :)

You know you are a lazybones! 12 months and you only wrote a song? Come on!

I had some serious crisis, man...cause I only made music, when I had to - and not because I wanted to. That´s the danger, when doing it as a profession. But today I´m passionate and motivated again...I recruited an employee and have more time doing my own stuff! Fuck yeah :kickass:
I was afraid of a serious bash tbh haha....cause I simply couldn´t classify it anymore and it´s so NOT metal.

Bullshit! This song IS metal

Its all about the attitude bro. Personally, I love the tune. Much different feeling than the other songs in the project but still feels connected to them. Your vocal work is great but yes, there is room for improvement for all the reasons already mentioned ... your delivery is hesitant and noticeably uncertain in spots, a couple small pitch problems, etc ... I have no doubts you will resolve these issues as you continue working on it. I dig the vocal effect, doesn't seem to overbearing to me and I absolutely love the groove when the drums kick in

Overall, a killer tune yet again, some great ideas that will be even better with just a little more development and a PHantastic addition to the Machines & Madness project ... you see what I did there? ;)
Carlos, my man! :kickass: Thanks for your kind words. You know how to motivate people! I´m glad, you´re digging the tune.

I´m just about working out some vocal harmonics and orchestral arrangements (silver edition ftw) and vocals will be re-recorded, too. I´ll keep you guys updated!
Okay...I had to delete the last version, cause the new version with the new vocal attempt is so much better, that it can´t withstand the comparison with the last version. I had a really good vocal session today and I´m sure, you guys will like it. I´m gonna upload it tomorrow evening! :kickass: