Magyar Posse - Kings of Time

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
I am listening to this album and am only half-way through the album, first listen, and this stuff is blowing me the fuck away. I guess they would be labled post-rock, ugh, but are so much more than that imo. Fans of GY!BE would be all over this shit. :worship:
Post-Rock. Haha, I love that label because the bands labeled as such hate it.

Is it really that great? I am a fan of GY!BE as well as A Silver Mt. Zion, Explosions in the Sky, etc.

My favorite post-rock band would have to be Do Make Say Think because I consider "Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn" absolutely divine. But you've piqued my interest in this band.

I need more information. :)
Listened to some samples, not really my thing.

The name of the band caught my eye as Magyar = HUngarian (in Hungarian) and this is obviously not a Hungarian band ( as pretty much all Hungarian bands suck)
Listening to the samples, this is good stuff.

Hey wait, this is the song from abcdefg's little mp3 game isn't it!?
Godspeed You! Black Emperor. They rule, and you'd probably like them because they don't have that "make it all up as they go along" bit you can't stand. :tickled:

I love the label post-rock, although I probably use it incorrectly. I would call groups varying from Khanate, GY!BE, Kayo Dot, and others post-rock.
BloodStainedWalls said:
JK, pm your addy and I'll send you a few examples.
Wait a minute - are you asking for my e-mail to send me MP3 examples? Or home address for CD-R mailing? 'Cos if it's the latter, I'd be aroused in the gay way considering you own everything known to man and badger. I'd like to test some other samples if you're making the effort! :kickass:
JayKeeley said:
Wait a minute - are you asking for my e-mail to send me MP3 examples? Or home address for CD-R mailing? 'Cos if it's the latter, I'd be aroused in the gay way considering you own everything known to man and badger. I'd like to test some other samples if you're making the effort! :kickass:
The latter bro. Come up with w/e you want. NAD has about 14 cd's waiting for him for about 3 days now but he's just too fucking fat to go and get them. :tickled:
Seriously man, BloodStainedWalls probably has 6 digit CD collection.

I'll go to the office in 20 minutes so I can check today's mail as well ya bastid. :tickled:
BloodStainedWalls said:
The latter bro. Come up with w/e you want. NAD has about 14 cd's waiting for him for about 3 days now but he's just too fucking fat to go and get them. :tickled:
That's very generous. Do you have a list of your collection somewhere? Man, if you need anything from me, I'm more than happy to trade CD-Rs. I'm so tired of buying blind and ending up with something average.
<<I love the label post-rock, although I probably use it incorrectly. I would call groups varying from Khanate, GY!BE, Kayo Dot, and others post-rock.>>

Same here, I've been throwing the words around, which I have some problem with due to its elitist connotations (not as much as "emo" though, don't get me started on why I hate that term), without having any clear idea of its boundaries, though I associate it with minimalist yet expansive instrumental music like what you and I heard on that page or Mono or Mogwai, or something like that. Now I'm totally confused.
JayKeeley said:
That's very generous. Do you have a list of your collection somewhere? Man, if you need anything from me, I'm more than happy to trade CD-Rs. I'm so tired of buying blind and ending up with something average.
No. I never took the time to do that. You can just name shit I suppose or I can come up with really great stuff and see if you have heard it yet, lol.
I'm pretty keen to hear all the 2004 BM stuff that people here have been going on about lately: Leviathan, Deathspell Omega, Watain, Bergthron, etc. Do you have any of that new stuff?

Otherwise, I like surprises. You know what I like, go for it. Educate me.
I have all of those BM named.

I remember suggesting Orodruin to you a while back. Have you heard them yet? I think your nuts would swell over that band. Give me a genre and I'll go nuts. I sent NAD a bunch of surprises which he should worship.
JayKeeley said:
I'm pretty keen to hear all the 2004 BM stuff that people here have been going on about lately: Leviathan, Deathspell Omega, Watain, Bergthron, etc. Do you have any of that new stuff?

The newest Watain was released in 2003 :)

If you still haven't heard Watain, has some MP3s.