Magyar Posse - Kings of Time

BloodStainedWalls said:
I have all of those BM named.

I remember suggesting Orodruin to you a while back. Have you heard them yet? I think your nuts would swell over that band. Give me a genre and I'll go nuts. I sent NAD a bunch of surprises which he should worship.
Holy shit, I just wrote out a response and the UM server timed out on me. :yell:

Take two...

Yeah, I'll PM you. I'd love to hear all that new BM. I have the Leviathan/Crebain split, and I think I'm going to love Leviathan. Feel free to experiment in your selection. Just avoid anything that sounds industrial, hardcore, noisy, etc. Give me stuff that sounds wholesome, epic, atmospheric, etc. :)
JayKeeley said:
Holy shit, I just wrote out a response and the UM server timed out on me. :yell:

Take two...

Yeah, I'll PM you. I'd love to hear all that new BM. I have the Leviathan/Crebain split, and I think I'm going to love Leviathan. Feel free to experiment in your selection. Just avoid anything that sounds industrial, hardcore, noisy, etc. Give me stuff that sounds wholesome, epic, atmospheric, etc. :)
Sweet. I'll make a list and let you know.
BloodStainedWalls said:
Sweet. I'll make a list and let you know.
