Mainstream Bands that Don't Suck


Jan 16, 2007
^ Pretty much what it sounds like. Can you think of any mainstream bands (and no, I'm not talking about classic rock- modern bands that have their shit played frequently on your typical "hits" station, that kind of thing) that are actually musically solid? For example, I run into a lot of people on these forums who dig a certain NIN album or era, a few Chili Peppers fans, and even one who liked the Foo Fighters.

Arctic Monkeys
The Mars Volta
Arcade Fire
Megadeth, who in about a month will be releasing their best (or maybe arguably "only good") album in over 10 years. United Abominations sounds really fucking great from what's leaked so far
My Chemical Romance released a solid rock album in '06
Muse has some good stuff but I've only heard Origin of Symmetry so far


p.s. I know exactly what part of my list you motherfuckers are eyeing. bring it on you cocks
radiohead, the smashing pumpkins,TMV, Tool, MCR, Muse, Interpol are all bands that sell quite a bit of records but are still very credible.
My Chemical Romance released a solid rock album in '06
I have mixed feelings about MCR. I say at their best, they're pretty decent, but there's way too much filler. I have a hard time finding more than a couple decent songs per album (Helena, Cemetary Drive and maybe one or two others on 3 Cheers... and Sleep on Black Parade). It also doesn't help that I was dragged to see 'em in Wembley last Thursday and was seated next to three 15 year old girls who seemed to think they were at a Backstreet Boys concert. I suppose if they'd cut the pop and stop trying to sell Gerard as a pretty boy they could be a bit more respectable.
radiohead, the smashing pumpkins,TMV, Tool, MCR, Muse, Interpol are all bands that sell quite a bit of records but are still very credible.

good bands, obviously except MCR. total shit. half of you people wouldnt fucking dare mention them if NFU didnt.
NIN are good although their mainstream choice for singles as of late have been pretty poor, you need to buy the album to get the good songs.

Some of these bands maybe more mainstream for where I am but I dont mind:
John Butler Trio
Eskimo Joe (got into a concert for free when some chicks stamped our hands with their stamps :lol: and I actually enjoyed it)

and I think theres others but I really dont listen to the radio at all so I cant think right now.
"wouldn't have ever even thought of giving a flock of 'shitty commercial emo fags' like MCR an honest listen if NFU didn't mention them" is more like it. and that's pretty much it. whatever other childish nonsense some of you opethforum folks occassionally like to tack onto that is terribly outside my realm of concern
"wouldn't have ever even thought of giving a flock of 'shitty commercial emo fags' like MCR an honest listen if NFU didn't mention them" is more like it. and that's pretty much it. whatever other childish nonsense some of you opethforum folks occassionally like to tack onto that is terribly outside my realm of concern

Well, Good Grief!!!! I guess I'm not the only one who gets in this mood from time to time!!!!:heh: