Males and Females

In my experience, girls you don't know well generally misinterpret eagerness for desperation, especially over technology. They want guys every bit as much as guys want them, but they enjoy the thrill of being attractive if they earn it authentically. If you start out interested, they have no chance to dazzle you being themselves.
^in other words women are annoying as fuck

I wouldn't put it like that, but yeah, at least homos will show their interest and tell you plainly even if they take it too far and end up molesting you or whatev. Women hold the economic power in sex and they aren't giving that up for free, but for a lot of men sex is all they need to get by, so it's pretty natural on both sides. The real problem is that we go bald and lose our prettiness. If only we were all gay we'd have our money and all the sex we could ever need.
In my experience, girls you don't know well generally misinterpret eagerness for desperation, especially over technology. They want guys every bit as much as guys want them, but they enjoy the thrill of being attractive if they earn it authentically. If you start out interested, they have no chance to dazzle you being themselves.

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Is she actually fucking with you at all, blue balls wise, or are you friendzoned pretty squarely and mad about it? Letting a friend crash after a long night does not a romance make.

Just saying. But I'm rooting for you, fella.

Neither. She was the one to ask me to stay over and once I did she was the one to initiate snuggling sequence with me. I'm so smitten with her that hanging out with her and then crashing with her makes my whole fucking night. We have established before that we aren't "together" or anything since she still has her trust issues, but even when I show up to a random Chicago show without me or anyone else knowing I'm going to be there I get a huge welcome from her that is only a kiss from being too close.
Protip homeboy: don't take advice from these dudes. If she has trust issues, 'playing it cool' will be interpreted as you playing games. Which, you are. Don't hit her up constantly, obviously, but when you do see her act genuinely interested. Best to give a chick small bouts of extreme attention, like at a show, over repetitive bouts of feigning disinterest. She'll see right through that shit, and not appreciate it.

I repeat: do not take romantic advice from this sad collection of weeaboos, virgins, and aging btards.
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How long have you been putting up with this bullshit? It's good that you're being patient and considerate but a man's not a camel, still it sounds like you love the girl so you'll endure this torment and hopefully for you you'll triumph and plant the foul seed and we all will drink.
She's a lovely girl who obviously only considers her feelings to be important and that you're just some idiot that will help her get herself together so she can get back out there in the marketplace again. That's what I'm getting from this story.
She's a lovely girl who obviously only considers her feelings to be important and that you're just some idiot that will help her get herself together so she can get back out there in the marketplace again. That's what I'm getting from this story.

Schmidt is a cuddlebitch. What the internet once termed an 'intellectual whore'.

That's what I gather.
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Pretty much, what other advice can a male give anyway apart from 'just try and get a fuck' , it's up to the lady otherwise it's known in the court of many sessions as rape.
I would never give advice to begin with. 99% of the time romantic advice is cliché bullshit and piss artist wankery.
Pretty much, what other advice can a male give anyway apart from 'just try and get a fuck' , it's up to the lady otherwise it's known in the court of many sessions as rape.

Pretty much. I don't do the romantic thing. Sometimes, though, if you really like a person that will come without having to think about it. The problem is some women want that all. the fucking. time. and that is not me.
So many fucking girls looking for guys around me, it's strange. I'm looking for some dude for this lady friend of mine, maybe it's a shame Schmidty is not here, she would probably appreciate a fuck from a bear-like person, she's kinda larger herself but cute.
I think y'all need to take into consideration that most adult women seriously aren't scheming bitches.

I haven't heard the full story but from what I gather she's into him. Women don't just cuddle with dudes they aren't into.

Unless she's young enough to still be a party girl, in which case give up, she does just want attention and can't be rational enough for a relationship. Use your game and get some pussy.
Just take her hand and lay it on your ravaging beast. She be liek whaaaaaa.