I like this dichotomy forming, how about be somewhere in the middle you fuggin' weirdos?
People should just always be careful, in all things. [shrug]
Just work on being decisive man.
This will sound contradictory but the best way to start down a path of decisiveness is to act rash a few times in the beginning until you build up enough confidence in yourself to address things directly in the moment from then on. Once you know you have it in you to be direct, you can start adding much more forethought to your situations.
Do you truly want to be with her or do you not want to be by yourself? I think if more men opened themselves up to this question they'd have an easier go of things.
Do you truly want to be with her or do you not want to be by yourself? I think if more men opened themselves up to this question they'd have an easier go of things.
People should just always be careful, in all things. [shrug]
sometimes it's hard to believe you're the same age as me and not 50+ lol
No because I'd likely just make the same exact mistakes over again, considering much of a person's faults stem from their upbringing. You'd have to reset the world quite a ways back to even have a chance of changing anything.
Well that's entirely different I suppose, who wouldn't do it over again in that context?