You would rather pay more to stay 2 days longer and see a shit-ton of extra shitty bands than pay less to stay 2 days less and see a bunch of awesome bands with no crap?

You people have no rational functioning capabilities unless you're planning on doing a lot more in Baltimore than attending this show, which I wouldn't recommend since it's a horrible fucking loathesome city.
I'll be ordering my plane ticket/Concert ticket/putting back hotel money when financial aid comes in, in mid-January. We need to start coming up with official lists of attendees soon... at least a good rough draft, so we can figure out how many rooms we need.
You would rather pay more to stay 2 days longer and see a shit-ton of extra shitty bands than pay less to stay 2 days less and see a bunch of awesome bands with no crap?

You people have no rational functioning capabilities unless you're planning on doing a lot more in Baltimore than attending this show, which I wouldn't recommend since it's a horrible fucking loathesome city.

If you go, do you plan on driving down from your house each day?
You would rather pay more to stay 2 days longer and see a shit-ton of extra shitty bands than pay less to stay 2 days less and see a bunch of awesome bands with no crap?

You people have no rational functioning capabilities unless you're planning on doing a lot more in Baltimore than attending this show, which I wouldn't recommend since it's a horrible fucking loathesome city.

Baltimore is pretty fucked up, tbh. The fucking grocery store was just weird, and every hobo and random guy wants to have a 2 hour conversation... but it's fun just to hang out and meet the people from here.... though I know that doesn't appeal to you since you supposedly hate everyone here except Omni.
You would rather pay more to stay 2 days longer and see a shit-ton of extra shitty bands than pay less to stay 2 days less and see a bunch of awesome bands with no crap?

Yes, because it's all about the experience.

I'm also not a goddamn jew when it comes to this shit, either. I'd like to be able to relax a bit and take it all in. I don't want to have the thing feel rushed because I'd have to drive in, go to the show and then drive straight back home since, as you say, there's nothing to fucking do in such a loathsome city. I doubt it's that bad as 98% of you have never been in Cincinnati before.
I'm fucking poor, I have no choice but to be a jew mr fucking I just rented a one bedroom UNLIMITED MASTURBATION CHAMBER.
Matt maybe you shouldn't spend all your money on music fuck wait I kind of do that also.

Also, the grocery store is THE single most memorable one you'll ever go in.
keep in mind that there is more to MDF than bands. you can buy a ton of shirts, cds, etc. that you would have a hard time finding otherwise. plus the entertainment of people watching. plenty of weirdos there