I've heard of 8 bands on that list and have only checked out six of those (assuming Pentagram is the doom metal band and not the other one). I'm way behind on music and don't give a fuck about underground shit right now. I'm just trying to catch up on the classic stuff I still haven't checked out.
I don't see anything I'm too fond of on that list, though Carcass would be cool to see. I'll be sold if they bring back Bolt Thrower and/or host an Abscess reunion.
You guys are fucking twats if the idea of seeing Manilla Road doesn't wet your vagina. Midnight is always a fucking great time, and in a huge venue with everyone singing along to "Endless Slut" is going to be fucking classic.
I guess I'm a fucking twat then. Manilla Road is overrated as fuck IMO. I just don't get the hype.

Keep in mind I own Open the Gates and Crystal Logic.

I don't see anything I'm too fond of on that list, though Carcass would be cool to see. I'll be sold if they bring back Bolt Thrower and/or host an Abscess reunion.

I would go if Bolt Thrower was confirmed.
you forgot to add that you sold Voyager to some awesome fucking person because you have shit taste

(jk bro, I wanna hang out with you and talk melo-death and shit; no one else who goes to MDF wants to talk about Illdisposed and that depresses me)
Holy fuck you like Raunchy and Soilwork? Why did we not fucking talk about this during this year's fest!?


I like Raunchy too. D:

Regrettably though I don't think I'll be going to MDF this year either. I need to save money to visit other places in Amuuurrica. Yes, I know, I'm a faggot.

Also Manilla Road is awesome and anybody who disagrees needs to hop on the nearest bus to Fuck Off Island.