Melbourne torn to shreds by metal gods!

Originally posted by Sydo
So is Tobias the main vocalist or what? Duets?
I a little confused.. :confused:
Tobi is the main vocalist on most of the tracks. There are duets on pretty much all of the tracks though.

Basically its a Metal Opera with characters played by different singers, so as each song tells a bit more of the story each singer sings their part of the story.
Meh, I didnt see the big deal about Avantasia....... Im going to take it to work tomorrow and give it another listen and see if I can change my mind......
WOW! I can't believe I missed this huge thread...

Sydo, was that your ute parked out the front with the Nevermore sticker in the window?? Awesome! I was checking out the sticker for a few minutes, where did u get it??

Avantasia is good, depending on my mood. Sometimes I listen to it and wonder why I bought it, other times I really enjoy it...
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg

Sydo, was that your ute parked out the front with the Nevermore sticker in the window?? Awesome! I was checking out the sticker for a few minutes, where did u get it??

Yeah, that was mine. Made that sticker myself. :)
It's faded a little, but still looks cool.
You can actually buy the stuff they use to make auto stickers from certain places, or alternativly you could just buy some good quality contact. That's what I did. :)

Then I printed out a mirror image of the Nevermore logo and stuck it the whole page onto the back of the contact. Then you've just gotta carefully cut it out.

Lot's of fun.
After you’ve printed out the logo (reversed), stick it down onto the back of the contact. Use sticky tape, because glue can wrinkle things. Nothing should be peeled yet

Ask you mum if you can use the sharp scissors. She’ll probably have to fetch them from the high cupboard for you too.
Then begin to cut-out each letter one at a time with the scissors, using what you printed out and stuck down early as a stencil. Be careful not to cut your fingers or other dangly bits. Best wear pants.

Just try a few things and see what works best for you. If you really get stuck, I could maybe do it for you. I've got left over stuff if you didn't mind having green. :)
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg did you enlarge the logo without it looking all pixellated??

That's the hard part. :( I basically had to trace over the Nevermore logo from this site in some semi-pro drawing software package.

But I know there is an Iced Earth font out there somewhere..
That'll make life easier for you. :)