Men Are Frustrating!

I have something of a reputation for being morbid so I'm going to live up to it.

Isn't it possible that by the time you figure out who sent these flowers, they'll have wilted and died?

Just my way of bringing a little sunshine into an otherwise dull morning :).

I toyed with the idea of sending somebody flowers six months ago to this very day, but I settled on a virtual bunch instead. It's a long and really rather unpleasant story.

hmmmm someone has come fwd and confessed to sending them.However their story doesn't match with what the store has told me.
However I went into Utopia tonight and asked Craig out for drinks this Friday lets see how that all goes!
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

Just about all is well in Xena Land!
Originally posted by Dakk
Xena - have you asked the Polar Bear himself?

AKA Ralphe? Could be worth the question? :lol:


i confess.I am the fool who bought the flowers for Xena(even if she still doubts they are from me...but i do know where she works and can prove to her that i did indeed send the flowers).It is not something i make a habit of(especially with someone who i haven't even met yet.I have seen her at 3 gigs but haven't even spoken to her at all) but it felt right at the time!Anyway,i guess it was a stupid thing to do(but sometimes you have to take a chance even if the results are not quite what i hoped for). Looks like it has worked out well for Xena (sounds like her evening with Craig went well) but not so well for me.

I hope things work out well for you and your man from Utopia.
I don't mind the fact that you didn't guess they were from me but i was a little bit disappointed that you didn't believe me when i told you the flowers were from me
I feel like a complete bitch now! I do believe they come from Ralphe...but don't understand why it was done when has been made very obvious I am very interested in Craig.
Thankyou Ralphe they were beautiful.Sorry the result you wanted didn't come about.
I don't expect something like this to happen especially when I never have meet the person who decided to do such a gesture.
Yes my evening out last night went well.Nothing really happened just had a great night, I was not expecting anything as I want to slowly build something for once in my life.
Once again Ralphe they were lovely and I am sorry it didn't turn out the way you had wished!
If you had said "That was pretty f**king sweet Ralphe" it would have been acceptable ;) ;) :)
Bravo to Ralphe for showing more backbone than I could ever dream of possessing :headbang:.

And kudos to Xena for not throwing it back in his face and making him feel like an idiot. May you both lead wonderful lives, even if they can't be together :).

*Wrathy apologises for his unprovoked outburst of sentimentality and promptly goes back to being a disagreeable old bastard.*